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Questions tagged [gpgpu]

For questions related to the usage of graphics processing units for computation outside of the traditional graphics pipeline but still somewhat related to computer graphics.

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2 answers

Has general purpose GPU computing been used before compute shaders were available?

Today we have tools such as Nvidia's CUDA and OpenCL to perform general purpose computing on the GPU (GPGPU). Seeing that traditional shaders are specifically used for generating graphics by filling a ...
Entangled Superposition's user avatar
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GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY Error when glDispatchCompute takes longer

I built a simple Ray Tracer which takes use of OpenGL's Compute Shader and traces ".obj" Files. The results are passed to the Host-Program via glMapBufferRange after finishing computing. ...
herrmutig's user avatar
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How to achieve higher FPS for my GPU pathtracer?

So I've written a GPU based pathtracer using OpenCL-GL interoperability. The system uses the Mega-Kernel Approach instead of a wavefront one as I was aiming it as an educational software for other ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
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Why cache working set per multiprocessor for texture memory in Nvidia has a variable size?

I saw it here , I don't know if it also happens ...
alvaro9650's user avatar
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1 answer

Is `groupshared` memory stored in L2 cache of GPU?

The article says that L1 cache is shared by work items in the same work group(aka. SM) and L2 cache is shared by different work groups. In Direct3D, it seems that a thread group (which is specified ...
Cu2S's user avatar
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Why don't discretization errors occur with compute-shaded kernel filters?

An efficient compute-shaded image filter would be emitted with (screenX / [kernel width], screenY / [kernel height], 1) groups and one kernel in each group, allowing texels to pass into groupshared ...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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fastest way to bucket triangles into a grid?

What is the fastest known method for bucketing triangles into an unbounded regular 3D grid? Specifically, I need an array of buckets. Random queries (which bucket is here) are not necessary, as this ...
Taylor's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to emulate Vulkan on a non Vulkan compatible gpu?

I don't think there is much to explain here, since the question is pretty much in the title, but i'll try to explain myself better: My current laptop's gpu does not support Vulkan, so i was wondering ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Using multiply and accumulate of 4x4 matrices for ray-triangle intersection tests on GPU

Is it possible to gain performance boost using new 4x4 MAD from NVIDIA'a tensor cores for ray-triangle intersection tests? Really there are two questions: Is it possible to modify some of the ray-...
Tomilov Anatoliy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to avoid slowdown with 25-30 students running simple GPU kernels on 4 GeForce GTX 650 Ti s?

So I'm teaching crash-course in CUDA that teaches students how to write good GPU code (CUDA 7.5 in this case). They kernels they will be running will do matrix multiply on 2048x2048 floating point ...
lil' wing's user avatar
2 votes
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Using GPU instead of CPU in Scala

I wrote a program that displays points expressed in 3D in a 2D canvas, using perspective projection. The aim is to display a cube. Each face of the cube is drawn by linearly interpolating the points ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
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Process of compute shader in OpenGL

I'am curious about compute shader in OpenGL. Let's assume the number of points (vec4) is 900 and the work group size(= the number of work items) is 256 Then, We would have four work groups because ...
shashack's user avatar
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C++/OpenGL program crashes after return of glDispatchCompute function (TDR related?)

I'm doing some parallel computing using my GPU. When I used glDispatchCompute first the program crashed after a few seconds which I found out was due to TDR. I deactivated TDR using the registry key ...
Mario's user avatar
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What aspects of GPU architecture are computer graphics programmers expected to be intimately familiar with? [closed]

I am an aspiring CG programmer and would like to know what some of the more nuanced aspects of computer architecture are. I have already taken several introductory arch courses where we've covered ...
RomanLarionov's user avatar
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Optimization Strategies for FFT sound transformations using GPGPU

I want to run audio FFT transformations on a GPU using, possibly, OpenCL. What are the best optimization strategies for: converting audio signals to FFT; transfer them to the graphics card; compute ...
tmm88's user avatar
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1 answer

What framework shoud I use to implement the RAISR upscaling algorithm on the GPU?

I recently ran across the paper RAISR: Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution and thought it seemed like an interesting technique for scaling up images. However, I haven't seen any implementation ...
HelloGoodbye's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

GPU branching if without else

It's common knowledge that branching in a GPU program is costly because it may have to run both the if and else logic for every pixel being evaluated in the same wave, but only applying each result to ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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11 votes
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What is my GPU waiting on?

I am writing an OpenCL program for use with my AMD Radeon HD 7800 series GPU. According to AMD's OpenCL programming guide, this generation of GPU has two hardware queues that can operate ...
Mokosha's user avatar
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10 votes
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Per Vertex Computation in OpenGL Tesselation

I try to implement a position based cloth simulation using hardware tesselation. This means I want to just upload a control quad to the graphics card and then use tesselation and geometry shading to ...
Dragonseel's user avatar
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Optimal memory access when using lookup tables on GPU?

I'm exploring isosurface algorithms on GPU for a bachelor's project (specifically concentrating on just binary in/out voxel data rather than real-valued fields). So I have a CPU implementation of good ...
russ's user avatar
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CUDA cuMemcpuHtoD vs cuMemcpy2D

Asking it here and not on SO as it seems to be appropriate question for CG. I am learning NVIDIA NVENC API.The SDK supplies a sampled called "NvEncoderCudaInterop" .There is a chunk of code which ...
Michael IV's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Synchronizing successive OpenGL Compute Shader invocations

I have a couple of compute shaders that need to be executed in a certain order and whose outputs depend on previous inputs. Ideally, I'll never need to copy a buffer client-side and do all of my work ...
Mokosha's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Why is recursion forbidden in OpenCL?

I'd like to use OpenCL to accelerate rendering of raytraced images, but I notice that the Wikipedia page claims that recursion is forbidden in Open CL. Is this true? As I make extensive use of ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar