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Why cache working set per multiprocessor for texture memory in Nvidia has a variable size?

I saw it here , I don't know if it also happens ...
alvaro9650's user avatar
3 votes
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How to avoid slowdown with 25-30 students running simple GPU kernels on 4 GeForce GTX 650 Ti s?

So I'm teaching crash-course in CUDA that teaches students how to write good GPU code (CUDA 7.5 in this case). They kernels they will be running will do matrix multiply on 2048x2048 floating point ...
lil' wing's user avatar
5 votes
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CUDA cuMemcpuHtoD vs cuMemcpy2D

Asking it here and not on SO as it seems to be appropriate question for CG. I am learning NVIDIA NVENC API.The SDK supplies a sampled called "NvEncoderCudaInterop" .There is a chunk of code which ...
Michael IV's user avatar