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Questions tagged [gpgpu]

For questions related to the usage of graphics processing units for computation outside of the traditional graphics pipeline but still somewhat related to computer graphics.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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CUDA cuMemcpuHtoD vs cuMemcpy2D

Asking it here and not on SO as it seems to be appropriate question for CG. I am learning NVIDIA NVENC API.The SDK supplies a sampled called "NvEncoderCudaInterop" .There is a chunk of code which ...
Michael IV's user avatar
2 votes
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fastest way to bucket triangles into a grid?

What is the fastest known method for bucketing triangles into an unbounded regular 3D grid? Specifically, I need an array of buckets. Random queries (which bucket is here) are not necessary, as this ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Using GPU instead of CPU in Scala

I wrote a program that displays points expressed in 3D in a 2D canvas, using perspective projection. The aim is to display a cube. Each face of the cube is drawn by linearly interpolating the points ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimization Strategies for FFT sound transformations using GPGPU

I want to run audio FFT transformations on a GPU using, possibly, OpenCL. What are the best optimization strategies for: converting audio signals to FFT; transfer them to the graphics card; compute ...
tmm88's user avatar
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GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY Error when glDispatchCompute takes longer

I built a simple Ray Tracer which takes use of OpenGL's Compute Shader and traces ".obj" Files. The results are passed to the Host-Program via glMapBufferRange after finishing computing. ...
herrmutig's user avatar
1 vote
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Why cache working set per multiprocessor for texture memory in Nvidia has a variable size?

I saw it here , I don't know if it also happens ...
alvaro9650's user avatar
1 vote
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Why don't discretization errors occur with compute-shaded kernel filters?

An efficient compute-shaded image filter would be emitted with (screenX / [kernel width], screenY / [kernel height], 1) groups and one kernel in each group, allowing texels to pass into groupshared ...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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How to achieve higher FPS for my GPU pathtracer?

So I've written a GPU based pathtracer using OpenCL-GL interoperability. The system uses the Mega-Kernel Approach instead of a wavefront one as I was aiming it as an educational software for other ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
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C++/OpenGL program crashes after return of glDispatchCompute function (TDR related?)

I'm doing some parallel computing using my GPU. When I used glDispatchCompute first the program crashed after a few seconds which I found out was due to TDR. I deactivated TDR using the registry key ...
Mario's user avatar
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