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Questions tagged [subsurface-scattering]

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[Subsurface Scattering]What's the meaning of diffuse coefficient `Rd` in bssrdf

Recently, i am reading the papaer A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport . I have understand the radiative transport equation : and the approximation of the diffusion equation: . In BRDF ...
danding's user avatar
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[Subsurface Scattering]Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scattering

Recently, I am doing some research about subsurface scattering. i am a little confused about the backscattered radiance mentioned in this paper Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface ...
danding's user avatar
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How to calculate subsurface scattering weights for fast skin shading

This question is in reference to the method described in ShaderX7 section 2.4 "Fast Skin Shading" by Hable et. al. The part I do not understand is how they derived the weights for the individual ...
elramino's user avatar
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Confusion about data types in Jensen's subsurface scattering paper

I am currently trying to implement Jensen's paper on subsurface scattering, but I am getting confused when I am trying to implement it in my pathtracer. I have questions about the data types of ...
dwang733's user avatar
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Volume Rendering: Implementation

Can somebody explain how to implement volume rendering and scattering? I've been told that this is the easiest and most effective method to render things like smoke, milk and fog. Scratchapixel has ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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A recent approach for subsurface scattering

I read "A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport" and "A Rapid Hierarchical Rendering Technique for Translucent Materials". If I understand correctly, the former does not consider the case ...
Mustafa Işık's user avatar
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Is this the correct interpretation of the separable SSS artistic model?

I'm trying to understand the separable subsurface scattering algorithm, but I'm a little confused on what the parameters mean from a notation and implementation standpoint, particularly for the ...
aces's user avatar
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Mathematics of Sub Surface Scattering

Can somebody help explain the mathematics of Sub Surface Scattering in a Path Tracer based on the Diffuse Approximation in A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport ? I would like someone to ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Subsurface Scattering Without Rays?

Some games claim to use subsurface scattering but my current understanding of sss is only achieved with ray tracing. How would you sub surface scatter without ray tracing? Do some claim to use sss but ...
Andrew Wilson's user avatar
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How to create specular surface in Mitsuba Renderer

I am a newbie in computer graphics and I am trying to develop a special case of path tracing really slowly! But first: I came up studying the Mitsuba renderer and one of its uses in the so-called GDPT ...
Tarta's user avatar
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How does Smith multiple scattering interact with diffuse subsurface scattering?

The Multiple Scattering Microfacet BSDFs with the Smith Model paper describes a statistical model for replacing the masking-shadowing functions in microfacet BSDFs (which account for paths with more ...
John Calsbeek's user avatar
20 votes
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What is the "dipole approximation" for subsurface scattering?

If you read papers about subsurface scattering, you'll frequently come across references to something called the "dipole approximation". This term seems to go back to the paper A Practical Model for ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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