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Questions tagged [fluid-sim]

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Jos Stam's "Stable Fluids": Why Use Multiplication by `h` Instead of Division in Divergence Calculation of Projection Term?

I'm learning about Stable Fluids from the document Stable Fluids and I have a question regarding the implementation of the project function. In the code, the ...
XYJ's user avatar
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Having trouble understanding advection from GPU gems fluid dynamics example

So I am trying to implement a fluid simulation, as described in Chapter 38 of GPU Gems. I am also drawing heavily from the excellent implementation by Pavel. Where I'm getting a bit stuck is with ...
sak's user avatar
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How to extract surface of smoothed particle hydrodynamics smoothly?

I'm working on a fluid simulation project where two spheres are simulated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). I have generated two sets of particles inside and on the surface of a sphere. You ...
Hassan's user avatar
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Rendering a particle system as a smooth blob

What is a good algorithm for rendering a particle system as a coherent mesh, in realtime? I am running a smoothed-particle hydrodynamics fluid simulation, and I would like to render the particles not ...
AnnoyinC's user avatar
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Finite difference wave equation shown in paper is wrong?

I'm trying to produce wave surface animations, and I came across this paper: Fast_Water_Animation_Using_the_Wave_Equation_with_Damping. In the paper they go to provide the following equation: At ...
Krupip's user avatar
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2D metaballs with marching squares and linear interpolation

I struggle do understand how linear interpolation works in the marching square rendering algorithm context. I created simple example in GDScript (Godot) of random floating metaballs to demonstrate ...
Arsenius's user avatar
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Rendering Fluid Simulations?

I've read about Lagrangian and Eulerian fluid simulations and here's what I take from their methods: Lagrangian - Simulating fluid particles by calculating displacement for each particle Eulerian - ...
Kukuh Rahmat's user avatar
7 votes
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Hodge Decomposition in fluid simulations

I have just started implementing a fluid simulator based on the navier stokes equation. I am following Jos Stam's paper to do so. In this paper, it says that the velocity field must be mass conserving....
Mn9's user avatar
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5 votes
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Rigorous and simple explanation for satisfying boundary conditions in Stam and Bridson papers

I read Stable Fluids and the code by Jos Stam and FLUID SIMULATION SIGGRAPH 2007 Course Notes by Robert Bridson. The boundary conditions in the two papers are different in my sight. I don't understand ...
Anas Alaa's user avatar
3 votes
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Jos Stam's "Stable Fluids" boundary conditions

In the paper Stable Fluids by Jos Stam, I am confused about the boundaries in the set_bnd function in the code. I don't know what kind of boundaries is this. Is it Neumann boundary condition or ...
Anas Alaa's user avatar
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Particle & Fluid Simulation: Where to learn? [closed]

Where can I learn about particle and fluid simulation? Is there a good book available? I want to couple volume rendering with fluid/particle simulation to be able to finally render smoke and ocean ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Fluid sim: CPU vs. GPU

I have very recently started looking into real-time fluid simulation. Idea is to make a game that would use 3D fluid simulation as a core gameplay mechanic. Looking around the web, I found this ...
Karlovsky120's user avatar
8 votes
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Conserving Mass in Liquid Simulation

I am trying to implement a 2D version of Foster and Fedkiw's paper, "Practical Animation of Liquids" here: Mostly everything works, ...
Jared Counts's user avatar
10 votes
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How could I check the correctness of my result of fluid simulation?

I wrote a particle based fluid simulating program. It's hard to tell if I get the right result. The visualized result seems reasonable, but some part of it looks weird. I don't know wether it's a ...
Yyao's user avatar
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Code runs differently on different hardware

I wrote a 2D fluid-solver in OpenGL (code here) some time back. While it runs flawlessly on my onboard Intel GPU, the simulation very quickly "blows-up" when same code is run using nvidia card : ...
nilspin's user avatar
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