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Questions tagged [particles]

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Problems with distributed ray tracing and particle system

based on the ray tracing stunning effect, I'm considering a resilient distributed ray tracing implementation, I've just finished a basic computer graphics course, and I'm currently working on directX ...
Haitao Xiao's user avatar
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How to extract surface of smoothed particle hydrodynamics smoothly?

I'm working on a fluid simulation project where two spheres are simulated using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). I have generated two sets of particles inside and on the surface of a sphere. You ...
Hassan's user avatar
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What is the difference between particles system and smoothed particles hydrodynamic?

What is the difference between particles system and smoothed particles hydrodynamic(SPH) ? is SPH a more specific version of particles system ? More searches on google I do more confusing I get since ...
ahmad alghadban's user avatar
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How khronos flame swing effect is done?

This demo: Contains multiple effects that can be done with WebGL. I've been able to recreate some of them, but for example I don't ...
hhaamm's user avatar
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Stripping unnecessary data from C++ data structures before sending to GPU

I've recently been working on a particle system in my renderer and I've encountered a situation where my particle class on the C++ side has data I need to maintain my particle on that end, but that I ...
JHall's user avatar
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Rendering a particle system as a smooth blob

What is a good algorithm for rendering a particle system as a coherent mesh, in realtime? I am running a smoothed-particle hydrodynamics fluid simulation, and I would like to render the particles not ...
AnnoyinC's user avatar
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Performance of particle implementation

I am about to implement the renderer for a simple particle system. Every particle has to be updated every frame (position, rotation, scale) and so I was wondering which way is usually faster: ...
clamp's user avatar
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Represent shape as particles

Input: Triangles which make up an arbitrary shape. Each triangle is represented by 3 3D points. Output: A set of particles which fills up the inside of the object (see image). I have read the ...
coder1337's user avatar
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Vertex positions from particle position

I have a question about Nvidia Flex or any particle based simulation in general: The particles are created by sampling the mesh, which can result in fewer particles than there are vertices in the ...
Jojo's user avatar
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How to model braids?

Many hair simulations render their hair as lines (usually splines). Since hair is a really thin object. if the hair is braided, rather than having thin infinitesimally small cylinders, you have ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Spring damping in Energy Function

Supposing a behavior function $C(x_1, \ldots, x_n)$, then we have a scalar potential energy function $E = \frac{k_s}{2}C\cdot C$ where $k_S$ is stiffness constant. Hence, the force is as follows $...
shashack's user avatar
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Fading particles and transition

I'm trying to render a particle simulation. I want each particle to leave a trace. To achieve this I'm using a framebuffer and two textures. On each frame the algorithm goes like this: Render to a ...
Anvaka's user avatar
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Cloud rendering and transparency order

I am working on a graphics engine designed to be used in flight simulators. It therefore has to feature an advanced weather rendering system with clouds you can fly through. For this, I implemented a ...
Vylsain's user avatar
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Are there tricks for getting proper sort ordering on particle systems?

If you have a bunch of particles to render, using different shaders and/or render states, that have some level of transparency, the naive solution of sorting all particles by depth can be extremely ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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Possible methods to deal with artifacts when drawing billboards to a cubemap

When drawing billboards to a cubemap, the billboard texture was incorrectly aligned on the boundaries of the cubemap between different sides. My guess is that the false projection of the billboard ...
user avatar
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Pixel dispersion (dissolving) algorithms

This YouTube video of a flip-dot display (physical b/w pixels) shows the reverse of an effect that might be called dissolve or dispersion, i.e. a text emerges from noise by pixels moving in to form ...
handle's user avatar
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Particle & Fluid Simulation: Where to learn? [closed]

Where can I learn about particle and fluid simulation? Is there a good book available? I want to couple volume rendering with fluid/particle simulation to be able to finally render smoke and ocean ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Please help me understand what happens as an image is faded to black in order to time-step particle fading

I have a game that has simple particles (basically dots) moving around the screen leaving a trail. My ultimate goal is to be able to change the opacity of the solid black fading texture each drawing ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Overlaying graphics on particle simulation

How can I overlay graphics on particle simulations? For instance if I am representing a liquid or gas with tons of little points how can I make those points look like a liquid or gas? Take Nvidia Flex ...
Andrew Wilson's user avatar