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Questions tagged [normal-mapping]

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Bump mapping a ray-traced sphere

I'm attempting to apply a height map to a ray-traced sphere. The height map is stored as a texture. I have the intersection point on the sphere $p$, and I compute the normal vector at that point $N = ...
Walt Donovan's user avatar
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How is glint rendering done in Ray Tracing?

How is glint rendering done with ray tracing in the photo below? Is it just a simple normal map? I found a paper online that describes the exact same method used in the photo above but I have no ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Normalization technique to increase spread of data in rgb space

I am visualizing a dataset. My technique is to encode the data into a rgb image with the channel range [0, 255]. The data clusters in a narrow range relative to [0, 255], however, so I'm not getting ...
interwebjill's user avatar
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Recreate geometry from normal map

I have a group of low polygon meshes, with associated normal maps. The normal maps were created by baking from high polygon meshes, which I no longer have access to. Is it possible to recreate ...
ganesha123's user avatar
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Normal Map Under rotation Issue

I have been trying to apply normal maps to a rotating sphere with light shining directing from above the sphere (0,1,0). but lighting does not look correct under rotation as one side of the sphere ...
Sina Dasht's user avatar
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Is it possible to reduce aliasing in derivatives used to estimate normals from a texture?

I am generating a normal map for a texture for use in a PBR shader. I have a map for the diffuse texture, and I am estimating the normal at each point using the derivative of the texture's brightness....
Ameo's user avatar
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Normal mapping should affect specular reflections?

I'm asking this question on behalf of a friend so can't provide any images for now. The problem is to simulate a car paint material with some flakes or graininess in it. This is first done in blender ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
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Problem calculating tangent space

I am currently writing a 3D rendering engine for educational purposes. In general everything is working except that I am chasing down a problem in my cube mesh / tangent calculations that I can't find....
Joel Bodenmann's user avatar
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Figuring out the normal map that is the "difference" between two other normal maps

I'm trying to "cancel out", as much as possible, a bit of geometry in a low poly 3D model (which is fixed and unmodifiable to me) with clever use of a normal map (my own research has ...
experimenting_with_graphics's user avatar
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1 answer

Take normal map X, and normal map Y, and calculate the "difference" between them, resulting in normal map Z; how to figure out normal map Z?

How does one do this? Is it manipulating the RGB channels in each normal map in some manner, then combining them somehow? I'm finding it really hard to research this on my own, especially given my ...
experimenting_with_graphics's user avatar
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Help me understand the derivation of this tangent space to object space matrix

I was trying to follow this But had problem understanding formula 7.33. $$p_i-p_j=(u_i-u_j)\mathrm{t}+(v_i-v_j)\mathrm{b}$$ * $p_i,p_j$ being ...
Eugene's user avatar
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