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2 answers

Calculate normals from vertices

Assume you have a list of vertices and their connectivity information. (I.e you can find all the adjacent edges and faces to each vertex). What is a good approach to calculate a normal from this ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Extract visible vertices from a 3D geometry model

Let's assume we have a 3D model consisted of XYZ-formatted vertices (such as point cloud model). My problem is given the position and normal of camera or camera ...
angel_30's user avatar
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Minimum requirements to uniquely represent a 3D object in space

Let's assume we have a 3D object (in 3D space). We get a single representation vertex from this whole 3D object. Given the fact that the object can be moved and rotated in the space in any direction, ...
angel_30's user avatar
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Bump mapping a ray-traced sphere

I'm attempting to apply a height map to a ray-traced sphere. The height map is stored as a texture. I have the intersection point on the sphere $p$, and I compute the normal vector at that point $N = ...
Walt Donovan's user avatar