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How to ensure energy conservation of a coat layer on top of an arbitrary BSDF?

Recent approximate techniques for energy conservation of conductors / dielectrics rely on the precomputation of the directional albedo for the conductor / dielectric BSDF. [Conty & Kulla 2017], [...
Tom Clabault's user avatar
2 votes
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The reciprocity of BSDF and equilibrium of rendered scene

in chapter 6 of Eric Veach's paper, Veach has proved general reciprocity of BSDF by Kirchhoff’s equilibrium radiance law and detailed balance $$ \frac{f_s(w_i \rightarrow w_o)}{\eta_o^2} = \frac{f_s(...
ckf104's user avatar
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How to visualize the outgoing directions sampled from BSDF?

I'm trying to find a way to visualize the outgoing directions sampled from BSDF. More specifically, for a given incident direction, I can sample the outgoing directions, using 'BSDF sample', and I ...
Wenjian Zhou's user avatar
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Mathematical foundations of Signed Distance Fields in computer graphics

I have come across Signed Distance Field usage in Computer Graphics in construction of vector shapes, glyphs and 3D surfaces. However I can not find much of the background mathematical theory as to ...
Deepak Sharma's user avatar
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Why my bsdf can not pass Chi2test?

I implemented a MicrofacetTransmission in nori. But it can not pass all Chi2test when alpha is large(>= 0.4 or ?),part of chi2test is passed.And I can not found the problem.Can someone help me? ...
bin guo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Implementing the example of Walter et al. (2007) paper

As the title suggests I'm trying to implement the last images of the "Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces" Paper by Walter et al. in OpenGL I "think" (I had to ...
Clutterhead's user avatar
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How to calculate the PDF of a multi-lobe BSDF

In PBRT, a BSDF is represented as an array of BxDF lobes. Each lobe sets a bitflag representing what kind of lobe it is. (Specular, Diffuse, Reflection, Transmission, etc.) I'm investigating how PBRT ...
RichieSams's user avatar
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