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What is a "light source" in global illumination?

In the context of global illumination and the scattering equation, do we need to understand "light sources" as surfaces with a "purely emissive" material on which no scattering is present? In ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Understanding material .mtl files

I am reading this piece of documentation to understand mtl files So far I am stuck trying to understand the difference between ambient, diffuse and specular reflectivity (Ka, Kd, Ks). If I am ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Beer's law in dielectric material

I am trying to implement Beer's law according to this page in dielectric material but I am not sure have done it correctly as the image does not suggest so. The formula is: I(s) = I(0) * pow(e, ln(A)*...
ali's user avatar
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Is there a material that contributes to GI, but isn't directly visible?

I am doing renders of the inside of a room. I would like to show a "bird's eye" view of the room, from above the ceiling (outside the room), but still see the interior of the room. An easy way of ...
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