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6 votes

Path Tracing With Multiple Lights

It's not that hard. If you have just planar or angular light sources, you can think of them as one light source split into multiple chunks and the only thing to deal with is how to sample this multi-...
ivokabel's user avatar
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6 votes

Mimicking Blender's "roughness" in my path tracer

For explicit light sampling: yep, you just evaluate the BRDF for that incoming direction and the output direction back toward the camera. There's probability involved in the case of an area light: you ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the benefits of downscaling on modern games?

What you are describing is supersampling, a technique for combating aliasing (a.k.a. jaggies), which is a term from signal theory that also applies to graphics. It's a spatial domain approach. ...
IneQuation's user avatar
5 votes

Which technique should be used for rendering under water images, Ray tracing or Radiosity?

Radiosity is only efficient for diffuse to diffuse rendering. Path tracing is more versatile on the type of light transport that could be computed. The main issue with underwater rendering is the ...
Beltegeuse's user avatar
1 vote

Why are the transformations of an object calculated on CPU?

Wouldn't GPU make those matrix multiplication faster than CPU? No. GPUs are not a magic "make things go faster" box. Vertex shaders operate on every vertex. If you render 1 million vertices,...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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Why are the transformations of an object calculated on CPU?

It is perfectly reasonable to do the multiplication on the GPU. The major reason it is taught this way is partly it is historically standard, but the main reason is if you have a vertex shader that ...
pmw1234's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the name of these software on 2 screen?

Judging by the interface that would be blender: Please note that here is a bender-specific stackexchange site as well:
Erik's user avatar
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