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Image rotation using FFT

Yes, it is possible. Remember that a shift in space is equivalent to a linear-phase multiplication in frequency. A rotation can be accomplished by a shearing operation in one direction followed by a ...
Stan Reeves's user avatar
2 votes

Wrong color in .ppm file

The issue is that on your system, writing out "\n" is writing out 0x0D0A, whereas on my system, it's only writing out 0x0A. If you explicitly write out 0x0A instead of "\n" I think it will work for ...
user1118321's user avatar
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Image saved as DDS with 16f format in photoshop has strange FOURCC text

The tool seems to be generating an unofficial extended version of DDS in which the FOURCC code is replaced by a value from the D3DFORMAT enum. The code ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use maximum resolution (pixel density) with OpenGL in MS Windows

You might need to use a setting to tell Windows that your program is DPI-aware, meaning that it can adjust to very high-resolution screens like many current-gen laptops have. Lots of older programs ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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2 votes

Screen Space anti aliasing?

The easiest way to deal with this would be to provide thickness for the edges in the continuous setting. That is, make your edges out of solid capsules/cylinders, then you would not have this issue. ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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How to identify images with similar content?

I am unsure exactly about your white pixel filling criterion. However, I will offer a solution. Create a histogram for each image and compare histograms. If for instance there are 800 red pixels in ...
Gabriel Rohweder's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to convert Polar to Cartesian coordinates and map result to an image using opengl?

You'd be doing a change of coordinates from polar to Cartesian; at output point $(x,y)$ draw polar coordinate $(\theta = 2 \pi x, r = y)$. The coordinates in a unit circle drawn in the input image are ...
gilgamec's user avatar
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How to calculate spatial frequency of an image just in one direction?

You can take a 1D Fourier transform of a row of pixels from the image; it will give you the horizontal frequencies present in that row. You could sample one row out of the image, or else average all ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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How to generate the stereographic projection of a 3D model

If instead of stereographic projection you can use other conformal projection. I would recommend you the "Least Squares Conformal Maps" algorithm. There are several implementations out there, ...
Mauricio Cele Lopez Belon's user avatar

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