A solution to sprite visibility in a raycasting engine with variable wall heights?
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I am using a z-buffer, with one stored length to a wall for the x coordinate of each ray.
Means the z-buffer ...
Techniques for rendering high polycount models
The straightforward solution is to simple not render the high poly model at all. Have a lower detail model that you can switch to once the model is too far away for it to make a difference. There is ...
How to deal with light leaks?
I've also spent a good amount of time thinking about a solution for this problem. It seems like one those fundamental mismatches of taking a sparser, lower frequency structure (probe mesh, even if ...
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occlusion × 10lighting × 2
depth-map × 2
ray × 2
raytracing × 1
3d × 1
algorithm × 1
computational-geometry × 1
geometry × 1
projections × 1
performance × 1
interpolation × 1
vector-graphics × 1
deferred-rendering × 1
z-buffer × 1
render × 1
java × 1
scanline × 1
space-filling × 1