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Projection Matrix to Intrinsic parameters

I want to convert a Projection Matrix in the following form: Where: f = fov a = aspect ratio = width / height F = far plane N = near plane to the Intrinsic parameters matrix: s = skew (fx, fy) = ...
loryruta's user avatar
-1 votes
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Projecting Vectors (3D to 2D) Using Homogeneous Coordinates, With Known Camera Calibration

Suppose I have vectors in a 3D space (their starting points, dx, dy, and dz), and I would like to project them onto a camera, which I already have as a 3x4 projection matrix. I can of course project ...
erik's user avatar
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Why does Zooming in does not work with Projection Matrix but works in Real Life?

My goal is to project 3D bounding boxes to an image. For those who are not familiar with what 3 Dimensional Bounding Boxes are, they are basically boxes defined by eight corners encapsulating an ...
Yusuf Ziya Güleray's user avatar
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3D projection Axis inversion problem (Java/Processing)

Unfortunately, I always had problems with math and was never good at it. I'm currently trying to combine math with my knowledge and my passion for programming. Brief introduction: In math, we have ...
mardari's user avatar
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Finding Camera projection matrix from known input and output

Lets say I have a rectangle with known coordinates in 3D scene, and I'm projecting it using pin point camera to the plane (screen). You can imagine it deforms on the screen per camera transformation ...
Eduard Kovalets's user avatar
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What projection matrix and world transformation do I need to have an isometric projection?

I'm doing my own engine in college to display a wireframe on screen with an isometric projection but I literally can't find any literature about maths behind doing it by hand just for game engines ...
MiguelP's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a projection matrix to not project in the center?

I have the following projection matrix: and I need to make a hole in the center of my matrix, something like that: (I don't want to project a custom W and H) Is that possible ? Thanks.
Cosma Eduard's user avatar
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Intrinsic Matrix vs Perspective projection matrix

I was going through the camera matrix explained in the wikipedia article and understand how the matrix K \begin{bmatrix}f_x&s&x_0\\0&f_y&y_0\\0&0&1\end{bmatrix} is built. The ...
midi's user avatar
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Can pixels on the image plane be mapped to world space coordinates?

I'm trying to learn the fundamentals of 3d computer graphics by writing a toy framework in WebGL. I'm currently working on mouse based camera controls. There are plenty of good resources in the ACM ...
oorst's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do straight lines always remain straight when projected with a perspective camera?

If I have a straight line in 3D space and I use a camera matrix to do a perspective projection into a 2D plane/screen will the resulting line always be straight too? If I project the start point and ...
Owen's user avatar
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Calculate Camera parameters and HandEyeCalibration

I'm trying to calculate camera paramters and a hand eye calibration (Transformation from camera to eye (display) coordinates) for rendering on a see-through HMD. I have already calculated a ...
user2479595's user avatar
3 votes
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My perspective projection is messed up?

So I've been messing with perspective projection matrices recently. I used numpy and GTK/Cairo to make a very small Python renderer. I'm very confused with the results I'm getting though. I took this ...
divx's user avatar
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