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3D projection Axis inversion problem (Java/Processing)

Unfortunately, I always had problems with math and was never good at it. I'm currently trying to combine math with my knowledge and my passion for programming. Brief introduction: In math, we have ...
mardari's user avatar
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What projection matrix and world transformation do I need to have an isometric projection?

I'm doing my own engine in college to display a wireframe on screen with an isometric projection but I literally can't find any literature about maths behind doing it by hand just for game engines ...
MiguelP's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a projection matrix to not project in the center?

I have the following projection matrix: and I need to make a hole in the center of my matrix, something like that: (I don't want to project a custom W and H) Is that possible ? Thanks.
Cosma Eduard's user avatar