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12 votes

What explains the high specularity of metals?

Warning: I am not a physicist. As Dan Hulme already explained, light can't travel through metals, so dealing with IOR is a lot more... complex. I will answer why that happens and how to calculate the ...
Samu's user avatar
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6 votes

What explains the high specularity of metals?

Look at the refractive index of several metals. They are all complex numbers and the math does work out when you put this into the fresnel equation: you get the expected high reflectivity at all ...
Olivier's user avatar
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4 votes

Do we have to adapt what we know from physics to forwards vs. backwards ray-tracing?

TLDR: As long as you write your algorithms correctly you are approximating the same integral regardless whether you trace forward or backward. It's just approximations of different reformulations of ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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3 votes

2D metaballs with marching squares and linear interpolation

as promised, here my answer to your question. As I can't follow your code completely (I spend most of my time implementing my code :D ) I can only explain to you what the last step is. So why do we ...
realvictorprm's user avatar
3 votes

Why is the approximation valid, in the formula provided by Brian Karis?

"the information that $f(l_k,v)$ carries is low-frequency enough": As IneQuation explains, low-frequency was used to refer to the detail of the brdf function. I did actually mean that $f_r$ was low ...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
3 votes

Understanding lighting for physically based rendering

Referring to the answer that lightxbulb already gave, you can find a very in-depth explanation of the physics of light and their simulation in the thesis of Eric Veach named "Robust Monte Carlo ...
Erik Wessel's user avatar
3 votes

Understanding lighting for physically based rendering

Here you have a full repository with a lot of papers about light transport. There's also a folder named 'theory' where you can get both intro and advanced refs regard light physics. And much more. I'm ...
Max Tarpini's user avatar
3 votes

Rendering Hypercentric Perspective

You can approximate the view of a hypercentric camera with an ordinary 3D perspective camera if you are able to manipulate the projection matrix, and/or reverse the direction of the depth test. In a ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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2 votes

Blackbody curve to floating RGB

The Open Shading Language has a complete implementation which is based on this source code from Color Rendering of Spectra by John Walker, according to the comments. I can't vouch for its theoretical ...
Olivier's user avatar
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2 votes

What explains the high specularity of metals?

The refractive index is related to the speed at which light travels through the medium, and only applies to materials which are at least partially transparent. Metals are electrically conductive, so ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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2 votes

Rendering Hypercentric Perspective

The answer is yes. You need 2 things: View space coordinates of the object Projection function for the hypercentric perspective camera. The second one can be found in here. The overview of the model ...
Kaan E.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Can raytracing be used to determine a certain gas distribution in a real planet's atmosphere?

I think it is possible via differentiable rendering techniques, but you are going to need some data for it. Like when you have your model, for example, a spherical heterogeneous scattering medium ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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Prove radiance contributions of deeper paths fade away

If you are asking whether: $$ \int fr(...) cos\theta_1Le_1 > \int fr(...)cos\theta_1 fr(...)cos\theta_2 Le_2 $$ (simplified terms from the render equation you posted above), I don't think you ...
Peter's user avatar
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1 vote

How to ensure that a randomly-generated velocity vector moves the camera forward within a valid arc?

Something like this should work: ...
Noah Witherspoon's user avatar
1 vote

Fastest Simulation Of Mass Spring Systems

Time integration with implicit Euler is unconditionally stable. This means you can choose arbitrary large time steps without worrying that your solution "explodes". In contrast to explicit ...
wychmaster's user avatar
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Physically Based Shading for Diffuse surfaces

So after reading up some more research papers and the concepts of most people working in this field here and there, I've reached an answer I'm satisfied with. If someone disagrees or thinks there is a ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
1 vote

Rendering Equation for photons carrying flux

It'd be hell a lot easier if this were on graphicsexchange, since I can't use latex here but anyways. In the first pass of Photon Mapping you don't need to use the Flux form of rendering equation. ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
1 vote

How to rotate a shape in another 3D software so that the rotation matches with the rotation in Blender?

I just had to make the following changes to [manually] change the coordinate system of FleX to the one that Blender uses: ...
Amir's user avatar
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1 vote

Why are BRDF and the lighting uncorrelated?

When rendering an image you are trying to find the outgoing light from a point into the camera $L(x \rightarrow \Theta$). To do this you solve "The rendering equation", which means you integrate the ...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
1 vote

Spring damping in Energy Function

The damping force you mentioned $f=-k \frac{\dot{l} \cdot l}{|l|} \frac{l}{|l|}$ is a special case of $f=-k \dot{C} \frac{\partial C}{\partial \mathbf{x}}$. Let $$ \begin{align} C(\mathbf{x}) &= \...
TheBusyTypist's user avatar
1 vote

Hooke's Law vector form

If we sidestep your typo (the last term has one absolute too much), both formulations are correct. They just express different things. The $k$ in Hooke's law is for a particular spring. $k_s$ is the ...
joojaa's user avatar
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Beginner CG Research Project

If you are going for physics. You can do physically based rendering. Physically Based Rendering(PBR for short) is a filed of computer graphics where we take consider of physics(energy conservation, ...
Mary Chang's user avatar

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