I want to set the color of the lamps in my game with a black body curve, but the approximations I can find for it are all in sRGB color space; and I want it in linear floating RGB.
The closest thing i was able to find is this: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/57389/convert-spectral-distribution-to-rgb-color
But i really don't understand most of the notation in the answer.
Mainly I'm unsure: if i just use planck's law, using the wavelengths of the subpixels in a standard monitor--not that I know what those are--will it get the right answer, or would it need to be an integral with respect to cone response.
Furthermore I'm not sure how to normalize the resulting radiation density from.... whatever units its in, to 1.0 = X nits; as I'm unsure of the conversion between the units...