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7 votes

Fading particles and transition

I made a visualization a little like yours years ago, and used a similar technique, because it's the natural approach to the problem. After I spent a few years writing drivers for modern GPUs, I ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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7 votes

Can a scene graph be stored in the GPU?

Short answer: Yes, It can be done. But no one does so. Long answer: Scene graphs can be stored and processed on a GPU using OpenCL/WebCL. But it is not practical to do so. Updating scene graphs (a ...
Mary Chang's user avatar
6 votes

What actually happens in frame buffer when an image or document is scrolled?

In the olden days of text-mode terminals, the "frame buffer" was a buffer of text, not an image. Scrolling worked in the way you described. The buffer was larger than would fit on the screen, and to "...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it possible to create minimal glTF files with vertex and index buffers?

While creating a set of glTF models for a tutorial, I also intended to create THE minimal glTF file. Update: The following referred to glTF 1.0/1.1. See below for an update of this example to glTF 2....
Marco13's user avatar
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5 votes

Can we use PhysX in WebGL?

PhysX is a C++ API and can thus not directly be integrated with the JavaScript-based WebGL. Depending on your needs, you have the following options: Use a JavaScript-based physics engine, mostly ...
David Kuri's user avatar
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4 votes

WebGL: Why are my textures black?

Okay, I figured it out. It has to do with the texture not loading before the first display function is called. The texture displays after a mouse or keyboard event. To remedy this, I added a timer to ...
mago3421's user avatar
4 votes

Rendering same vertex-array in different modes

Your shaders are fine, the problem is topological, that is the way the vertices are connected to create triangles. For cases 1 & 2: You cannot really draw a grid of points in this mode (...
PaulHK's user avatar
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4 votes

Optimizing performance on hardware

Although you may be able to detect what hardware is available as a first approximation of a computer's capability, depending on this might not be useful since the same hardware may behave differently ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
4 votes

Inverse matrix order of operation

Yes. If you're compounding operations to make a matrix, then the inverse matrix will be the compound of the inverse operations, in the reverse order. So if $C = AB$ then $C^{-1} = B^{-1}A^{-1}$ Think ...
russ's user avatar
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4 votes

Triangulation of vertices of an ellipsoid

If you sample the two parameters $\eta$ and $\omega$ with steps $d\eta$ and $d\omega$, then you'll get a grid of points $v_{ij} = f(i\;d\eta,j\;d\omega)$. Any four adjacent points will define a ...
gilgamec's user avatar
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4 votes

Does WebGL 2 support linear depth texture sampling?

The spec says depth textures are not filterable. 3.8.13 ... Using the preceding definitions, a texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true: The effective ...
gman's user avatar
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3 votes

Problems rendering a plane via `drawElements`

This looks like a case of 16bit truncation in your indice buffer. For a 257x257 grid you will be addressing more than 65536 vertices so you will need to use a 32bit indice buffer. ...
PaulHK's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the technique to generate an oblique 3d cone?

The general equation for a upright cone with the tip at $Z=0$ is $$ 0 = X^2 + Y^2 - Z^2$$ (Ignoring the points for which $Z>0$). If you consider slices for some constant $Z$ you get circles ...
flawr's user avatar
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3 votes

Only show opaque objects behind transparent objects

The simplest solution is to do three passes: Render opaque meshes to a buffer (front-to-back, depth read/write on) Render translucent meshes to another buffer (front-to-back, depth read/write on) ...
Syntac_'s user avatar
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3 votes

How to know when rendering is complete in WebGL?

You can utilize ARB_sync or in other words sync objects which have been core since 3.2. From the point-of-view of OpenGL then right after issuing a specific command (you want to know whether has ...
vallentin's user avatar
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3 votes

Emission of light from texture on WebGL

Presumably you are using a lighting system already, let's say Lambert shading for simplicity.. So we have a texture which is going to be illuminated by some light source. The following psuedo/shader ...
PaulHK's user avatar
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3 votes

What happens to float values written to UNSIGNED_BYTE texture?

Unsigned byte textures in a graphics API are usually "normalized"—the byte values are interpreted as ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with a byte of 255 mapping to 1.0. So no, they aren't truly floating-point ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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3 votes

Need help reasoning about video oscillation >60hz

Yeah, that makes sense. Most flat panel monitors on the market have a 60Hz refresh rate! So you are not going to be able to flicker faster than 60Hz due to technical limitation. Were you to do this ...
joojaa's user avatar
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3 votes

Unable to render a Waveront model in WebGL2

The problem is with how wavefront files and OpenGL work with indices. OpenGL OpenGL allows you to have different buffers, allowing your vertex to have multiple attributes. However, for every vertex ...
bram0101's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a better, more elegant way of translating/rotating my camera in my 3d raymarched world or am I stuck with trigonometry?

A reliable way of getting the forward/left directions relative to the view is to use the camera rotation matrix itself to produce forward, Up and right vectors. ...
PaulHK's user avatar
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3 votes

Ray Tracing With Continuous Refraction

You can refer to the available literature on the topic. The papers I am aware of are: Ray Tracing in Non-Constant Media Interactive Rendering of Non-Constant, Refractive Media Using the Ray Equations ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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3 votes

Move the camera in orthographic 3D

It seems that some basic computer graphics knowledge is missing. Normally you have two matrices for the camera (viewMatrix and projectionMatrix), both are 4x4 matrices. The viewMatrix stores the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

Role of gl.vertexAttrib

gl.vertexAttribPointer is used when different vertices should have different values, and gl.vertexAttrib is used when all vertices should have the same values, and you don't want to use a special ...
Daniel Kareh's user avatar
2 votes

Emission of light from texture on WebGL

A self-illuminating texture is rather easy. You can use the fragmentshader to increase the color value of those pixels. If you want a "halo"-like effect it gets more complicated. As Charlie said, you'...
Djindjidj's user avatar
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2 votes

Easing curves on the GPU?

This is a pure optimisation problem. It depends on many factors like: What you need to do with the tween How many different tweens you need to calculate How much signaling between systems you need ...
joojaa's user avatar
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2 votes

Drawing a cube a million times

As suggested in the comments, there's a few ways you might be able to reduce the geometry before merging it into the big mesh and sending it out for drawing. First of all, you might not want to draw ...
Christian Rau's user avatar
2 votes

WebGL - issues doing a simple texture downsample

The downscaled picture is not smooth because you use "nearest" filtering. Each block of 2x2 pixels in the original image is transformed into a single pixel in the downscaled image. Put another way, ...
bernie's user avatar
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2 votes

How does notch's new graphics engine work?

Notch's engine most likely works using volume raymarching in a volume field. This means that you shoot rays that move a certain distance and check whether they are inside and object or not. Once they ...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
2 votes

Correctness or otherwise of the procedure for generating an orbiting camera in WebGl

Your math looks correct to me. Your terminology is a little off - technically what you are creating here is just the 'view' matrix rather than the 'modelView'. If you're just drawing a single sphere ...
russ's user avatar
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2 votes

Early depth test in WebGL

In my answer I relate to WebGL 2 / Opengl ES 3.0. As far as I know ARB_shader_image_load_store is not supported. But there is ...
Isolin's user avatar
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