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1 vote

Framebuffer not detecting image

Copying the bytes of a JPEG file to the framebuffer device doesn't display the image represented by the JPEG file. The file needs to be decoded by an application that understands the JPEG format, to g …
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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1 vote

Access frames of livestream

I wouldn't recommend trying to write this code yourself. It's not a question of using into OpenGL - which won't get you another process' framebuffer - but of asking the OS. This is not at all easy to …
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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3 votes

If the OS uses a frame-buffer with potentially different textures being displayed each frame...

The compositor in the OS wants to run at a consistent 60 FPS whatever rate your application runs at. If there were a single framebuffer for your application, then you might end up writing to it at the …
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4 votes

What happens with the framebuffer after the fragment shader is done?

It entirely depends what hardware and OS you're on. It's up to the integration between the windowing system and GL. In the simple case where one application is rendering full-screen directly, the fram …
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the difference in overlay and framebuffer?

As you've understood, the framebuffer is an array in memory that holds all the pixels to display on the screen. On a desktop PC, it's probably special memory on the graphics card, but in a SoC with on …
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I intercept and filter all frames coming out of SteamVR?

So far, I've been able to attach to vrcompositor.exe with RenderDoc and intercept the D3D calls that do the composition. According to Baldur Karlsson (the author of RenderDoc), it's not that hard to h …
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