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Questions tagged [compositing]

Compositing is the combining of visual elements from separate sources into single images, often to create the illusion that all those elements are parts of the same scene.

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How can I render to a specific display with the lowest possible latency using DirectX 12 and Windows 11?

I'm interested in doing some ultra-low-latency rendering for a custom XR device in Windows 11 with DirectX 12. The device's display appears to Windows as an ordinary monitor, so the standard, naïve ...
Richard Copperwaite's user avatar
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1 answer

How is HTML Alpha-Blending Different than GIMP?

I have some graphic drawings of the floors of a hours that I want to display on a web page. Drawn in GIMP, there are several layers all with "normal" mode: From bottom to top, the layers ...
Brian White's user avatar
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ThreeJS OutlinePass error on Vertex shader not compiled

Trying to replicate ThreeJS outline postprocessing example, but I'm facing an error on some uncompiled Vertex shader. I actually just copy/pasted source code with some small adjustment (removed the on-...
fudo's user avatar
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coverage vs transparency

2D application users seem to be using transparency as a proxy for coverage more often than not. However they are not the same, although nearly everybody makes the assumption that they are. Given that ...
joojaa's user avatar
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Can the framebuffer in OpenGL jargon or its color buffer end up being the one and the same memory location as the one scanned by a display controller?

My understanding is: the 'framebuffer' in OpenGL is a collection of buffers: many (due to swapping or stereo rendering) color buffers, (only one?) z-buffer and (only one?) stencil buffer; each OpenGL ...
user1624691's user avatar
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1 answer

Given a background image B and a composie image of A OVER B, can we somehow recover image A?

I often find myself in the situation where I have some old image where I composed a translucent overlay on top of a background, but then lost (or more likely discarded) the overlay. I still have pre-...
swestrup's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the difference in overlay and framebuffer?

I have been trying to understand display and graphics. I feel that it's hard to make a logical image of the terms. I understand this: Frame buffer is a dedicated memory that has the image/video/...
mrigendra's user avatar
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Given a composited image, is it possible to find the color and opacity of an overlaid shape?

I have an image that I'm trying to recreate programatically using Pyx in Python. It seems that there's an overlaid circle covering the color wheel. I'm trying to see if there's a way to, given the ...
Mark LeMoine's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to get clean plate from moving footage?

I'm not sure if this question is on-topic or not, based on the tour. Feel free to point me elsewhere. The short version of the question is: what's the typical technique for generating the clean-plate ...
mHurley's user avatar
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