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Questions tagged [capture]

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Software to obtain high resolution images of a STEP geometry file

When trying to obtain high resolution images of geometry files, the only option seems to take a screenshot of the software in use (Salome, Catia, etc...). Although enough in most circumstances, it ...
Msegade's user avatar
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How to capture frames in a MacOS MTKView for recording to a video

I have created a 3D model of a local outdoor performance space and I have an app that uses Metal on MacOS 10.14.2 to display the model. I want to create an animation by flying the camera around the ...
Richard Stover's user avatar
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2 answers

Why MOCAP data don't use simple point coordinates?

This might sound stupid for you but I really don't know how it works in the domain of 3d animation and motion capture, but I need to work with ASF/AMC files at the moment and I find it a little bit ...
Nicolas Scotto Di Perto's user avatar
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High resolution screenshot

What are ways to render high resolution screenshot from application? Problem is I have to capture screenshot in higher resolution that it is present on screen. Resolution can be higher than 4K so ...
Derag's user avatar
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How can I intercept and filter all frames coming out of SteamVR?

I'm trying to investigate the effect of certain image operations on how VR scenes are perceived. To do this, I'd like to run an off-the-shelf SteamVR application, capture the frames as they come out ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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Coordinate system transformation in motion capture files

I am trying to align two motion capture files from different sources. The motion capture file consist of a skeleton specified as a hierarchy of joints. Each joint i.e. "shoulder" has three pieces of ...
Vanush Vee's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Color space of MERL BRDF database?

I know that by now it might be considered as a kind of sad recurrent joke, but by chance, does anyone here has the least information about the colorspace of RGB values in the MERL BRDF measurement ...
Fabrice NEYRET's user avatar