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Questions tagged [vectors]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Represent vector with arrow

Another code review question. I am trying to draw an arrow to represent a vector. I have started with an unit arrow with vertices defined as follows: ...
Sayan Pal's user avatar
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When should operations on 4D (homogeneous/projective) vectors use the w-coordinate?

Various operations on 2D vectors naturally generalise to 3D vectors simply by including the $z$-coordinate. The ones that come to mind are: Vector sum and difference Dot product Magnitude (Euclidean ...
Tim Pederick's user avatar
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Mathematical foundations of Signed Distance Fields in computer graphics

I have come across Signed Distance Field usage in Computer Graphics in construction of vector shapes, glyphs and 3D surfaces. However I can not find much of the background mathematical theory as to ...
Deepak Sharma's user avatar
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Application of parallel transport in computer graphics and mesh processing

Does anyone know what applications has the computation of a parallel transport on a mesh? I'm talking about methods such as this one
user8469759's user avatar
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Basis vectors and plane equation

I'm trying to understand basis vectors and the plane equation and I am confused. From what I saw, if we take a basis vector i, j, k, each variable point to the axe (x, y, z). Are i,j,k scalars or ...
Choz's user avatar
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Environment map: inverting (phi, theta) to (x,y,z) mapping

I'm currently working on a ray tracer in C++ as an assignment. This ray tracer needs to take into account environment maps, which I also need to implement a part of. From my understanding of an ...
Derek Kwon's user avatar
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GLSL reflect function math correct?

In the documentation of GLSL - reflect given a surface normal $N$ and an incident vector $I$ the calculation being performed is reported as $$ \text{reflect}(I,N) = I - 2\text{dot}(I,N)N $$ I wonder ...
user8469759's user avatar
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How do I figure rotation from the difference between two vectors?

I've been playing around with an idea, but I'm struggling with some of the math involved. Now, each face of a mesh has a normal vector, and that the normal map fragment shader modifies that face ...
Digital_Utopia's user avatar
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Crystal ball rotation - I don't get why the code works

For context: I'm absolutely new to graphics programming and I've always had trouble getting the math. I had the task to write code for a crystal ball interface using OpenGL. There's an object in the ...
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Mathematics in Computer Graphics

Can you please recommend some topic for research work related to mathematics in CG? (Maybe something like "Affine transformations in CG")
FlyMeToTheMoon's user avatar