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Questions tagged [matlab]

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3 answers

What exactly is the orthographic projection used by Matlab

I would like to imitate the orthographic projection that Matlab uses by default: Matlab View Projections and Matlab camproj It seems similar to the "Trimetric" projection described here: ...
Simon's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculating the gradient of a triangular mesh

This question is regarding a homework assignment (want to be upfront because many people on stack exchange don't like helping with homework questions). I have a triangular mesh, which is defined by a ...
Mark.F's user avatar
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Appropriate filter steps for resolving a droplet pixel

I have a series of images obtained from a microscope as follows I need to create a series of filters that would isolate the centre section on the yellow droplet.(This is highlighted by the bright ...
Fowaz Ikram's user avatar
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Applying 3d transformation to cuboid

I have the 8 vertices of a cuboid (red points)(XYZvox) with known distance in millimetres (vox to mm) between each vertex which I transform in 3d space using the 4d transformation matrix (M). I am ...
2one's user avatar
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Calculating inverse disparity of a stereo image

I have code, which for the sake of argument, looks like the code here: ...
Ken Y-N's user avatar
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1 answer

DLT algorithm (4+ points) not working, what's missing?

I'm doing a direct implementation of DLT algorithm but I can't figure out why, at the end the matrix H I get doesn't (even remotely) produce x2 = H*x1 The algorithm is not that complicated so I can't ...
Kronephon's user avatar
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How to do keyframe interpolation on matlab?

I want to do keyframe interpolation in matlab. If I understand correctly, it uses splines to approximate the the motion of specific pixel points within the frames(through transforms). Correct me if I'...
MyBushisaNeonJungle's user avatar
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Creating an Object Orientated Bounding Volume

I'm attempting to test out the maths behind bounding volume algorithms (prior to ray tracing) using MATLAB. So far, I have successfully created the relatively trivial axis aligned bounding volume, ...
davidhood2's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Choosing & Using a Projection Matrix

I'm looking into the graphics pipeline processes and at the moment in particular, perspective projection matrices. After looking in several different sources, and across the breadth of previous ...
davidhood2's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Correct view-space transform

I am attempting to model a simple graphics pipeline (i.e. Local->Word->View->Screen->2D spaces). I've been looking at the algorithm required to transform from world to view-space and using the ...
davidhood2's user avatar