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Questions tagged [compositing]

Compositing is the combining of visual elements from separate sources into single images, often to create the illusion that all those elements are parts of the same scene.

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6 votes
1 answer

What is the difference in overlay and framebuffer?

I have been trying to understand display and graphics. I feel that it's hard to make a logical image of the terms. I understand this: Frame buffer is a dedicated memory that has the image/video/...
mrigendra's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Given a background image B and a composie image of A OVER B, can we somehow recover image A?

I often find myself in the situation where I have some old image where I composed a translucent overlay on top of a background, but then lost (or more likely discarded) the overlay. I still have pre-...
swestrup's user avatar
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