In Chapter 14.5.3 of Physically Based Rendering - From Theory to Implementation (3rd edition), the authors claim that a probability density $p_\omega$ according to solid angle can be converted to a density $p_A$ according to area by $$p_A=p_\omega\frac{\left|\cos\theta_i\right|}{\left|p_i-p_{i+1}\right|^2},\tag1$$ where $\theta_i$ is the angle between the surface normal at $p_{i+1}$ and the vector to $p_i$.
The problem is: $(1)$ doesn't make sense. If $p_\omega$ is a density with respect to the surface measure on the upper unit hemisphere $\Omega_{p_i}$ over $p_i$, then $p_\omega$ is by definition a function $\Omega_{p_i}\to[0,\infty]$. Analogously, if $p_A$ is supposed to be a density with respect to the surface measure on the manifold $M$ build by all surfaces in the scene, then $p_A$ is by definition a function $M\to[0,\infty]$.
So, there's at least an argument transformation missing. I would really appreciate, if anybody could clarify.