I'm having some issues with my multi-threaded ray tracing implementation. It seems to only render about half of the image. Here is the picture:
Here is the code:
int max = (nx * ny); //width * height
volatile std::atomic<int> count(0);
int cores = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
cores -= 1;
vector<future<vector<rgbpacket>>> future_vector;
cout << "Threads supported: " << cores << "\n";
while (cores--) {
std::async([=, &world, &cam, &dim, &orth, &count] {
vector<rgbpacket> stack;
while (true) {
int index = count++;
if (index >= max) {
return stack;
} else {
int k = (index % nx); //mod width to get column
int j = (index / nx); //divide width to get row
rgbpacket curpx = render(j, k, dim, world, cam, orth);
curpx.k = (unsigned int)k;
curpx.j = (unsigned int)j;
//parse the image buffer
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < future_vector.size(); i++) {
vector<rgbpacket> stack = future_vector[i].get();
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < stack.size(); k++) {
rgbpacket rgb_comp = stack.back();
//Using the new compressed packet
rgbaColor conv;
conv.r = rgb_comp.r;
conv.g = rgb_comp.g;
conv.b = rgb_comp.b;
hslaColor pix = rgb2hsl(conv);
HSLAPixel newpixel(pix.h, pix.s, pix.l);
HSLAPixel &imgpx = img.getPixel(rgb_comp.k, rgb_comp.j);
imgpx = newpixel;
For some preface, I am calculating the pixel with respect to the position with the index variable. Once I calculate it, I store it (along with the position) in the vector. After I calculate all of the pixel values, I parse them into an image buffer and later print that image.
I've narrowed the issue (I think) to where I am calculating the rendered pixel and storing it in the vector. For some reason, it does not store all of the pixels in the vector and I am not sure why? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!