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4 votes

Edge-aware spatial denoising (Ambient Occlusion)

I've also been working on GTAO denoising, and came across the same equation.The function is weighing the neighbouring samples by their depth-difference from the center sample, and also by their slopes....
Benjamin Sims's user avatar
3 votes

Silhouette below 3D model

There is a trick to shadows like this, but only this exact usecase. While you can certainly draw a true shadow using many techniques. The trick is you can just scale the object flat onto the floor ...
joojaa's user avatar
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2 votes

Silhouette curve for isometric surface of revolution

The silhouette curve of a quadric surface is a conic (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, etc.). Suppose you have the quadric $\mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{M} \mathbf{X} = 0$ and your eye is at the point $\mathbf{Y}...
bubba's user avatar
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1 vote

Rasterization: How does hardware disambiguate identical Z values at silhouette edges?

If you are taking about this occurring within a single draw call for a single object then you are talking about rasterization not Z fighting. So the real question is, "how are two triangles ...
pmw1234's user avatar
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Silhouette below 3D model

One approach for stuff like this that I just heard is to do raymarching on simple analytical shapes that approximate the mesh, so you basically create an abstract coarse SDF representation of the ...
Felipe Gutierrez's user avatar
1 vote

Silhouette below 3D model

I can't tell you how exactly each 3d modeling software calculates shadows since I don't know their implementations. However, I guess the usual candidates for real-time shadow calculations are used. ...
wychmaster's user avatar
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How to find silhouette for concaver

I'll explain the "geometric way" of solving the problem since that's the solution you seem to be after, instead of using rasterization that Dan suggested in the comments. You can get the list of ...
JarkkoL's user avatar
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