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2 votes

OpenGL in CodeBlocks with GNU GCC compiler not recognising some constants

It sounds like your version of the opengl.h header is too old, and doesn't include the declarations for functions and constants from newer versions. Despite that the OpenGL implementation in the drive …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k
1 vote

Generate Hi-Z buffer using single PSO and single UAV

The code for mip1 and mip2 (and higher mips if you have them—SSR ray marching can benefit a lot from higher mips) is identical except for which mip is being read and written; you don't need separate P …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k
1 vote

Layer rendering in Vulkan

I think you may be overcomplicating things with your idea of using the stencil. In 2D graphics layers, we usually do not need to use the depth buffer to resolve depth order between 2D elements (their …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k
5 votes

Perspective correct interpolation z-buffer

Yes, that's correct. Perspective-correct interpolation works by (for some quantity $u$ to be interpolated) calculating $u/z$ and $1/z$ at each vertex, linearly interpolating those values in screen spa …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k
6 votes

How will the z-buffers have the same values even if polygons are sent in different order?

What your teacher means is that at the end of the frame, once all polygons in the scene have been drawn, the z-buffer will have the same values. This is because the z-buffer keeps the minimum Z within …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k
10 votes

What modern real-time rendering applications still use fragment shader depth writes / late-Z?

Any techniques that involve raytracing in the fragment shader might want to write Z in order that the depth buffer contain an accurate representation of the raytraced surface. For example: Distance- …
Nathan Reed's user avatar
  • 25.3k