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9 votes
3 answers

What's a proper way to clamp dither noise?

When reducing color depth and dithering with a 2 bit noise (with n=]0.5,1.5[ and output=floor(input*(2^bits-1) + n)), the ends of the value range (inputs 0.0 and 1.0) are noisy. It would be desirable ...
hotmultimedia's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Downscaling by skipping rows and columns – any example images?

I'm about to implement downscaling on a microcontroller. Source resolution is e.g. 720x576 (the 576i PAL resolution, other one possible: 480i, NTSC resolution), destination is 32x16. The goal is to ...
Gortu's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Why does increasing simplex noise dimension wash it out?

I just tried using this approach to create a tiling 2d simplex noise function with Gustavson's java implementation. The result tiled, but the texture seemed muddy / washed out. I decided to compare ...
Pikalek's user avatar
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How do you sample an analogue image and store it in a true-colour frame buffer? [closed]

I really cannot get my head around on this issue - how does an analogue image is sampled and then stored in a ture-colour frame buffer (e.g. in a camera) and how do you prevent noise when you do so? ...
Nelly's user avatar
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