Let $W_{\text e}$ denote the camera sensor responsivity (i.e. importance) and $h_j$ and $W_{\text e}^{(j)}$ denote the image reconstruction filter and sensor response associated with the $j$th pixel, respectively, i.e. $$W_{\text e}^{(j)}=h_jW_{\text e}.\tag1$$ The measurement of the $j$th pixel is given by \begin{equation}\begin{split}\Phi_j&:=\sigma_M({\rm d}x_0)\int\sigma_M({\rm d}x_1)g(x_0\leftrightarrow x_1)W_{\text e}^{(j)}(x_1\to x_0)L_{\text o}(x_1\to x_0)\\&=\int\lambda({\rm d}x)h_j(x_1\to x_0)f(x),\end{split}\tag2\end{equation} where $g$ denotes the geometry term, $\lambda$ is the infinite-product area measure on the path space and $f$ is the measurement contribution function, i.e. $$f(x)=g(x_0\leftrightarrow x_1)W_{\text e}(x_1\to x_0)\prod_{i=2}^kg(x_{i-1}\leftrightarrow x_i)f_{\text s}(x_i\to x_{i-1}\to x_{i-2})L_{\text e}(x_k\to x_{k-1}),\tag3$$ if $x$ is a path of length $k\in\mathbb N$.
Usually, in the context of Metropolis Light Transport, the scalar contribution function $p$ is defined to be the luminance of $f$. So, by definition, $p(x)=0$ whenever $(x_0,x_1)$ doesn't belong to $$B:=\left\{(x_0,x_1):W_{\text e}(x_1\to x_0)\ne 0\right\}.$$ Now let $$B_j:=\left\{(x_0,x_1):W_{\text e}^{(j)}(x_1\to x_0)\ne 0\right\}.$$ We clearly have $$B=\bigcup_jB_j.\tag4$$ However, in light of the way samples are splat to image (see http://www.pbr-book.org/3ed-2018/Light_Transport_III_Bidirectional_Methods/Metropolis_Light_Transport.html#fragment-Splatbothcurrentandproposedsamplestomonofilm-0 or https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a386/55316ee7f438ba115b38e8d0b1410c691a26.pdf and my other question), it seems like it is assumed that the union in $(4)$ is disjoint. Is this really guaranteed to be the case?
Taking a look in Section 2.6.4, on page 51, of this PhD thesis, this seems at least to be the case when the camera is a pinhole camera. The authors write: $W_{\text e}^{(j)}$ is non-zero only for the set of directions within the pyramid formed by the pinhole and the four corners of the corresponding pixel $j$.
This seems to indicate that (at least for the pinhole camera) the "support" of $W_{\text e}^{(j)}$ is limited to the image rectangle region occupied by the $j$th pixel. But is this really true for any filter $h_j$ or only for a special one?