I am working in 3DS Max with V-Ray 3.4. I have recently been encountering strange artifacts on baked textures. Surfaces that should be flat smooth objects render with dark stripes or other unusual patterns, usually geometric. The objects affected appear to be random. One will bake just fine and another that is an instance of the first has these stripes. And once an object starts baking like this there is no going back. The only solution appears to be to remodel it from scratch (and that is not guaranteed to work either). And this behavior only occurs when baking. Normal rendering works just fine.
Things I have tested for and ruled out:
- Co-Planar surfaces
- bad UVW mapping (Tried automatic and manually unwrapping - no effect)
- bad material
- lighting problems
- bad normals
- and I've tested on multiple machines with the same results
Below is an image of what I'm talking about. The large square surface should be more or less smooth and evenly lit, but instead, there is a strange dark rectangle.