Method for rendering heightmap from a 3D scene
The easiest way to do this is by rendering the 3D scene the way you usually would through OpenGL, using whatever 3D Python library you already have loading the scene. Instead of the perspective camera ...
Method for rendering heightmap from a 3D scene
Using OpenGL, or any such library, you could transform your scene with an orthogonal matrix and move your camera view point to be looking above (and parallel to) the scene (in a vertex shader) and ...
Finite difference wave equation shown in paper is wrong?
Yes, it looks like a sign error in the paper. It looks like it was introduced in equation (4) and then carried through the following ones.
Probably the authors wrote the source code first and the ...
How to approximate the heightmap of processed wood?
A sine wave remapped to [0, 1] and raised to a power will give you periodic ridges: (Desmos graph)
That could be a good place to start. It will make perfectly straight, even ridges; but you could ...
How is this normals map supposed to work?
Yeah, that doesn’t look like any bump, height, or normal map I’ve ever seen—as you’ve identified, there’s only information about the surface contour along a single axis. If anything, it looks like it’...
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