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2 votes
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How do you apply a normal map to a 3d mesh?

I'm writing my own mesh renderer, and I previously was able to apply a normal map to a sphere, so I understand the basic process of applying a normal map. But my understanding is that in order to ...
Calvin Godfrey's user avatar
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Problem calculating tangent space

I am currently writing a 3D rendering engine for educational purposes. In general everything is working except that I am chasing down a problem in my cube mesh / tangent calculations that I can't find....
Joel Bodenmann's user avatar
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Calculate normals from vertices

Assume you have a list of vertices and their connectivity information. (I.e you can find all the adjacent edges and faces to each vertex). What is a good approach to calculate a normal from this ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Recreate geometry from normal map

I have a group of low polygon meshes, with associated normal maps. The normal maps were created by baking from high polygon meshes, which I no longer have access to. Is it possible to recreate ...
ganesha123's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Extract visible vertices from a 3D geometry model

Let's assume we have a 3D model consisted of XYZ-formatted vertices (such as point cloud model). My problem is given the position and normal of camera or camera ...
angel_30's user avatar
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14 votes
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Programmatically generating vertex normals

I'm working with Kinect face api, it provides an array of vertices and indices for triangles which is to be rendered to make the face image. The no of vertices and their order in array as well as the ...
Allahjane's user avatar
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