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1 answer

Gradient descent (Not ML) on arbitrary meshes

So I am doing a gradient descent like algorithm on the surface of a mesh and I just noticed something: The above is the geodesic gradient (the distance to a single vertex) Look at where the ear ...
Makogan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Mis understanding of the Heat Method

I have been trying to understand a paper in CG for a while, called the Heat Method by Ken Many things have clicked but I don't fully understand it yet. In particular. In the following $u$ is a vector ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Determining the function of a radial gradient fill with midpoint

Recently I have been trying to create a shader that imitates a shader within Affinity Photo. It is used in the radial gradient fill and essentially you set your endpoint colors and then set the ...
CalebK's user avatar
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Improve accuracy of mesh gradient?

So to make it simple. I currently use a method I found online to compute the gradient of a scalar field of a mesh. To test how accurate this is, I made a sphere and followed the gradient direction of ...
Makogan's user avatar
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physics/math of lighting gradient of a 3D object

Consider a monochrome ball. The colours of the pixels is a function of the point height, the light intensity, the light angle, and the surface material (reflection). What is the simplest formula ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Is there a quicker way to draw a symmetric, scale-invariant (declining color) gradient around an ellipse?

The goal is to generate a picture like this: A symmetric color gradient around an ellipse which is rotated by $\theta$, has $(x_\circ,y_\circ)$ as center and and major and an minor axis $a,b$. The ...
UncleBob's user avatar
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How to generate a gradient to the edges of a triangle in GLSL?

I'm looking for an effect similar to this image. Assuming the UV coordinates of the triangle are known, such as: p0 = [0, 0] p1 = [1, 0] p2 = [0, 1] I know the ...
user24950814234's user avatar
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1 answer

Calculating the gradient of a tetrahedral mesh

How can I compute the gradient for a tetrahedral mesh (3D)? For triangular mesh, I got an answer from the following post Calculating the gradient of a triangular mesh How can I get a similar formula ...
Bis's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a tool capable of drawing a triangular linear gradient fill?

I need to draw some shapes filled with linear gradients starting from every point and blending smoothly between points, like an OpenGL standard shading (I guess it is called ...
ivan866's user avatar
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Image gradient of $x$-axis

I am trying to find gradient of the following image. Now shouldn't the gradient for $x$ be the vertical lines with respect to axes we have on the top left corner please?
Avv's user avatar
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Are there algorithms besides Canny edge detection that can create consistent width edges?

Sobel edge detection is pretty much the quintessential way to get edges out of an image. It however suffers from certain quirks. One example is, because it's gradient, based certain surfaces exhibit ...
Makogan's user avatar
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