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3 votes
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Fake cubic Hermite spline interpolation with smoothstep

When scaling an image with Bicubic Interpolation, the Cubic Hermite spline interpolation is used. smoothstep is one of the four basis/blend functions of this kind ...
legends2k's user avatar
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Determining Rational Quadratic Bezier Curve Weights for Circle

I am trying to create a spherical interpolation with 3 points. I'm currently using Quadratic Bezier Interpolation but have been told I should use Rational Quadratic Bezier Curve in order to get a ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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How do you compute the winding number of a closed poly curve?

Pretty much the title, given a closed curve in 2D, defined by a set of points, and a point. What's the algorithm to calculate the winding number of that curve, point pair?
Makogan's user avatar
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How do people come up with subdivision schemes?

Be it chaikin subdivision, loop subdivision, catmull-clark subdivision... How do people come up with the coefficients for an arbitrary subdivision scheme?
Makogan's user avatar
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Does the blending matrix change between calculating various curve segments in a uniform cubic B-splines approximation?

I would like to ask about uniform (periodic) cubic B-splines (approximation, no interpolation). $$B=1/6\begin{bmatrix}-1&3&-3&1\\3&-6&3&0\\-3&0&3&0\\1&4&1&...
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