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Projecting Vectors (3D to 2D) Using Homogeneous Coordinates, With Known Camera Calibration

Suppose I have vectors in a 3D space (their starting points, dx, dy, and dz), and I would like to project them onto a camera, which I already have as a 3x4 projection matrix. I can of course project ...
erik's user avatar
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Generate camera trajectory with cameras' lookat following shape

I am trying with no avail to create a camera path that follows a lemniscate shape as shown in the figure. I do it in 3D but just set the vertical dimension (y) to a fixed number so really is 2D. the ...
ElPotac's user avatar
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Rotating a set of cameras to look at a rotated object

I'm trying to use Instant NGP on a synthetic image dataset. I have image sequences of a moving object with the following information: I have the object's xyz and the camera's xyz positions in a void. ...
Thom's user avatar
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Unknown array of floating point numbers. View matrix?

I want to control the camera in an old game using head tracking (TrackIR, opentrack, etc.), such control was not provided by the game engine. I'm trying to find the camera coordinates and rotation ...
F4rrell's user avatar
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Camera Perspective of 2D X/Y Plane

I'll start with the coordinate system I'm trying to use: If I were standing on the ground, facing north, the x axis is a line moving from the west to the east (positive X is east). Positive y is ...
Helpful's user avatar
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Finding Camera projection matrix from known input and output

Lets say I have a rectangle with known coordinates in 3D scene, and I'm projecting it using pin point camera to the plane (screen). You can imagine it deforms on the screen per camera transformation ...
Eduard Kovalets's user avatar
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Shear(?) matrix projection along Z (depth) axis

I'm creating a primarily 2d game (platformer perspective) with 2d background parallax layers. The parallax effect falls out of the fact that I'm positioning a bunch of layers in 3d and using a ...
Joseph Humfrey's user avatar
2 votes
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Intrinsic Matrix vs Perspective projection matrix

I was going through the camera matrix explained in the wikipedia article and understand how the matrix K \begin{bmatrix}f_x&s&x_0\\0&f_y&y_0\\0&0&1\end{bmatrix} is built. The ...
midi's user avatar
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Help with understanding the look-at function (the view matrix)

I've been reading this article about the look-at function. I don't understand the part when they're trying to inverse the matrix N. They say that R is orthogonal because all its row and column ...
tralf_strues's user avatar
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How to rotate a camera?

So I am doing a simple FPS camera with openGL. I store the camera as 4 vector, a position vector, a lookAt vector, an up vector and a right vector. When the user presses a key, I create a rotation ...
Manh Nguyen Huu's user avatar
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Is there something wrong with a column camera matrix?

I am writing a simple ray tracer. I was working on my camera matrix when I encountered a problem. When I changed the look vector, so that it headed down, the image, which was supposed to go up, ...
Manh Nguyen Huu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Correcting my "look-at" matrix so that it works on non-camera objects?

I'm familiar with the "look-at" matrix and the goal of being able to rotate a Camera at a specific location towards a specified target. When I tell the ...
code_dredd's user avatar