
I am learning GLSL and trying to raytrace a sphere.

Here is a fragment shader. It correctly discards fragments which are not on the sphere, but when I try to calculate the point of intersection (and hence, the normal), I get nonsense.

Here's the fragment shader.

#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out mediump vec4 out_colour;

in  mediump vec3 X;      // intersection of ray with polygon

uniform mediump vec3 C;  // camera position
uniform mediump vec3 CS; // sphere position - camera position
uniform         float r; // sphere radius

void main ()
    vec3 CX = X - C;

    // |t.CX-CS|=r, CX.CX.t.t - 2.CS.CX.t + CS.CS - r.r = 0

    float a = dot (CX, CX);
    float b = -2.0 * dot (CX, CS);
    float c = dot (CS, CS) - r * r;

    float det = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;

    if (det < 0.0)

    float t = (-b - sqrt (det)) / 2.0 * a;

    if (t <= 0.0)

    vec3 N = normalize (t * CX - CS);

    out_colour = vec4 (N, 1);

Here's an illustration of the variable names

enter image description here

I was expecting the normals to be illustrated with a wide-ranging rgb colour across the sphere, but as you can see...

enter image description here

What went wrong?


1 Answer 1


This line doesn't look quite right:

float t = (-b - sqrt (det)) / 2.0 * a;

You're missing parentheses around (2.0 * a). Remember that multiplication and division have equal operator precedence, so the expression as it's currently written means ((-b - sqrt (det)) / 2.0) * a, putting the a in the numerator instead of the denominator.

(Oh and this is a nitpick, but the thing you named det is called a “discriminant”, not a determinant.)

  • $\begingroup$ lol this is what happens when you stop programming for a couple of years :-) thanks for idiot-checking me $\endgroup$
    – spraff
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 8:16

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