So I'm in the midst of implementing a path-tracer. I have chosen to use Assimp library to load models and scene information.
According to it, it will provide mesh data and meshes may contain point, line, triangles and polygons primitives. It gives the option to triangulate polygons but I don't know what to do with lines and points. Should I ignore them?
This leads to a bigger question that came in my mind. Can we ray-trace points and lines? I wanted to use this kind of thing once to show my Bounding boxes in wire frame mode but didn't know how I would trace only the boundaries.
I'm guessing this has to do with providing a specific line/point width? Else they are too thin for intersection.
If we can render lines and points, then should I ignore them or not in my path tracer? Will I be missing out on details etc? Don't know what are they used to represent in 3D models as I have only seen triangles/polygons.