I am attempting to model a simple graphics pipeline (i.e. Local->Word->View->Screen->2D spaces).
I've been looking at the algorithm required to transform from world to view-space and using the following transform
Although I have been using U,V,N,C notation rather than Xc,Yc,Zc,e.
And my matrix transformation at first glance, appears correct: When I plot the vectors onto world space, I get a vector from the camera position to the point we're looking at, and two correctly placed new X and Y vectors (see the left hand image below).
By looking along the line of sight vector (such that it disappears,and the focus & camera points overlap), as in the middle figure, should (I believe?) give an accurate example of what the resultant viewspace transformation should look like, with the green vertical and right-pointing vectors showing the new X & Y vectors.
However - when I actually do the view space transform I don't get the middle figure, instead, the resultant transform seems to be looking at the object from a different position possibly aligned with one of the axes? This is shown in the right hand figure - which is actually looking at the object from a slightly lower perspective
My question is essentially what have I done wrong, or am I misunderstanding both the transform and thus my results?
Thanks very much,
After stepping through the code - I discovered that my source book was having me convert the line-of-sight vector to spherical coords and then they were being converted straight back again to create R (viewspace coordination matrix). I've eliminated this redundancy (and potential source of errors) but it hasn't solved the problem...
clear; clc; close all;
%======Create World Space (hard-coded values for demo) ===========
ws_vtx = [0,2,0,2,1,0.5,1.5,0.5,1.5,0.5,1.5,0.5,1.5;
ws_fcs = [1,2,4,3,3,1,6,6,6,6,7,7,9,8,8,8,10,10;
%==================Create view matrix===================
focus = [1.5,0,1.5]; %The point we're looking at
Cx = 3; Cy = -3; Cz = 3; %Position of camera
Vspec = [0;0;1]; %Specified up direction for view space (i.e. camera orientation)
vector = focus - [Cx,Cy,Cz]; %Vector camera to focus point
p = sqrt(vector(1)^2 + vector(2)^2 + vector(3)^2); %Total magnitude of vector
N = vector'/p;
V = Vspec - cross(cross(Vspec,N),N); %Create new "up" direction
U = cross(N,V); %Create new x-axis
%Create rotational matrix to view space
R= [U(1),U(2),U(3),0; % U is direction of camera space X axis
V(1),V(2),V(3),0; % V is direction of camera space Y axis
0 , 0, 0,1];
Tr = [1,0,0,-Cx;
0,0,0, 1];
T = R*Tr; %Total view transform = rotation * translation
%============Plot the camera vectors & World Space=================
grid on; hold on; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
scatter3(Cx,Cy,Cz,'s'); %Plot the camera position
plot3([Cx, Cx+p*N(1)],[Cy, Cy+p*N(2)],[Cz, Cz+p*N(3)],'g'); %Plot camera vectors
plot3([Cx, Cx+V(1)],[Cy, Cy+V(2)],[Cz, Cz+V(3)],'g');
plot3([Cx, Cx+U(1)],[Cy, Cy+U(2)],[Cz, Cz+U(3)],'g');
scatter3(ws_vtx(1,:),ws_vtx(2,:),ws_vtx(3,:)) %Plot all the points
patch('Faces',ws_fcs','Vertices',ws_vtx','Facecolor', 'none');
for i = 1:length(ws_vtx)
str = sprintf('%d',i);
text(ws_vtx(1,i),ws_vtx(2,i),ws_vtx(3,i), str,'FontSize',14, 'Color','r');
%====================Viewspace Transform===========================
ws_vtx = T*vertcat(ws_vtx,(ones(1,length(ws_vtx)))); %Transform worldspace
ws_vtx = ws_vtx(1:3,:); %Remove homogenous column
position = T*[Cx;Cy;Cz;1]; focus = T*horzcat(focus,1)'; %Transform set points
position = position(1:3,:); focus = focus(1:3,:); %Remove homogenous columns
%================Plot new viewspace===============================
figure(); grid on; hold on; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
scatter3(position(1),position(2),position(3),'s'); %Plot new camera vectors
scatter3([position(1); position(1)+focus(1)],...
[position(2); position(2)+focus(2)],[position(3); position(3)+focus(3)],'s');
plot3([position(1), focus(1)],[position(2), focus(2)],[position(3), focus(3)],'g');
patch('Faces',ws_fcs','Vertices',ws_vtx','Facecolor', 'none');