I have been trying to understand a paper in CG for a while, called the Heat Method by Ken
Many things have clicked but I don't fully understand it yet. In particular.
In the following $u$ is a vector with dimensions equal to the number of vertices in a mesh.
The paper states that solving $(id - t\Delta)u_t = u_0$ is a time discretized approximation of the heat flow on a surface. Rewriting gives: $u_t = u_0 + t\Delta u_t $ or in English, the heat flow at time $t$ is equal to the heat flow at time 0 plus the laplacian of $u$ at time $t$. Which is just a backwards Euler method pretty straightforward.
Then we get that: $(M - tL_C)u = δγ,$ which, to summarize, is the same as above except we have discretized the medium as a triangular mesh.
$M$ is a square diagonal matrix where the entry $m_{i,i}$ is 2 times one third of the sum of the areas of the triangles that contain vertex $i$. In math $m_{i,i} = 2\sum_j A_j / 3$ where $A_j$ are the areas of the triangles containing vertex $i$. And $L_C$ is also a square diagonal matrix where $(L_C u)_i = \sum_j (\cot \alpha_{ij} + \cot \beta_{ij})(u_j-u_i)$ which in short, is an approximation of the laplace operator at vertex $i$.
Thus manipulating the formula: $(id - tM^{-1}L_C)u = M^{-1}δγ,$ Which is the spatially discretized form of: $(id - t\Delta)u_t = u_0$.
So, this makes sense algebraically, but now comes the part I don;t understand.
Why does this work? Why would solving that equation give the correct heat diffusion? Let me explain what I mean. In my head, a geodesic distance (or heat flow, which for the purposes of this method are the same thing) is highly dependent on the shape of a mesh. So in order to know the geodesic distance at vertex $i$ I must first know the geodesic distance at the vertices that come before it relative to the source.
This mehtod however seems to imply that, given an arbitrary mesh and an arbitrary point $p_0$ on that mesh. I can grab any arbitrary point $p_1$ on the mesh and tell you what the geodesic distance from $p_1$ to $p_2$ is without having to look at the full connectivity of the mesh to determine a connectivity graph.
I am not entirely sure if what i am asking is clear. I understand the algebra of the problem, but I cannot link how solving this equation gives you the correct heat flow everywhere on a mesh. Why can you do it in parallel without any regards for the specific connectivity information?