I am trying to create a fog-like effect, similar to that found using perlin noise. I know where I can find information about that effect, but it's harder for me to tell if it's an efficient route for what I want to achieve. A similar effect can be seen here, although I'd imagine what I want is much lower in detail: Animated perlin noise | youtube.com
I am currently working in openframeworks. What I have done so far is build a grid of noise values, and have worked towards linearly interpolating in-between those. I feel like I am on the right track, but it very blocky, which makes me wonder if my approach is totally off-mark. This page on Perlin noise has been helpful: Understanding Perlin Noise | flafla2.github.io
for(int x = 0; x < grid.getWidth(); x++){
if(x % g_size == 0){
for(int y = 0; y < grid.getHeight(); y++){
if(y % g_size == 0){
noise = ofNoise(x,y,ofGetElapsedTimef());
ofVec2f g1, g2, g3, g4;
float f1, f2, f3, f4, u, v, t_1, t_2;
for(int x = 0; x < grid.getWidth(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < grid.getHeight(); y++){
//find neigboring grid points
g1 = ofVec2f(x-(x % g_size),y-(y % g_size));
g2 = ofVec2f(g1.x + g_size,g1.y);
g3 = ofVec2f(g1.x,g1.y + g_size);
g4 = g1 + g_size;
//get noise values from the grid neighbors
f1 = grid.getColor(g1.x,g1.y).r;
f2 = grid.getColor(g2.x,g2.y).r;
f3 = grid.getColor(g3.x,g3.y).r;
f4 = grid.getColor(g4.x,g4.y).r;
u = (float)(x % g_size)/g_size;
v = (float)(y % g_size)/g_size;
t_1 = ofLerp(f1,f2,u);
t_2 = ofLerp(f3,f4,u);
ofColor average = ofLerp(t_1,t_2,v);