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Questions tagged [polygon]

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5 votes
3 answers

Rounding corners of polygon given vertices of its corners

Given a polygon (regular or irregular, convex or concave), I want to round its corner, with a given radius; let's say 'x'. I have the code to draw an arc given 2 points, but how can I find the start ...
user3453636's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to compute the following integral over a polygon?

I am implementing an algorithm which requires me to compute the following integral, $$\int_{Poly(P_i)}||P-P_i||^2 dP$$ where $P_i=(X_i, Y_i)$ is a point in 2D and $Poly(P_i)$ is a polygon containing $...
Student's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Finding the maximum number of disconnected fragments

In a plane, we have a convex polygon with n sides. What would be the maximum number of disconnected pieces / fragments if this polygon is clipped against a square?
Sharmishtha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why do 3d modeling packages use a single normal per polygon and how is this viable for smooth shading

If we have a quad that is non-planar. Why do most 3d modeling packages choose to use a single normal for the quad (Specifically for Blender3d by using cross product of two edge's vectors that do not ...
Lenny White's user avatar