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2 answers

Given two non-intersecting polygons, how to determine which one is in front

I have two 3D polygons, and in both of them all vertices are coplanar. I set a viewing direction and transform the polygons into the coordinate system of the viewing direction, such that the x, y ...
Vince W.'s user avatar
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Generate polygons after marching squares in parallel

I've implemented the marching squares algorithm following Wikipedia's The output I got is a set of edges, to which each contouring cell contributes 0, 1,...
Huy Le's user avatar
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How to get a polyline from an image with consistent winding number

I am trying to find an algorithm for the following problem. Assume we have a black and white image. The image contains a white region that encloses a space. This space may be concave but it has no ...
Makogan's user avatar
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HalfEdge: How to get list of all faces from one face

I need to, starting from one face, iterate over the rest of the faces until I reach the first facet. For this I can use twin, start, end or other info of halfedges, faces, vertex. That is, I need to ...
JoungCPPser's user avatar
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Divide mesh according to level of detail

Background I need to remesh by OpenVDB, like what Blender remesh does: Voxel Uses an OpenVDB to generate a new manifold mesh from the current geometry while trying to preserve the mesh’s original ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Differential or intersection of islands of 2D polygons in different layers

I have a 2D layer/section containing the 2D polygons colored in shades of green. I have another layer containing the 2D polygons colored in shades of blue. I intend to figure out how different are ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Cover a polygon with least amount of parallelograms

I am solving the task that is as follows: Input: a polygon. Can be any kind of polygon without self intersections. Can be a non-convex and with holes inside. Goal: to cover it with 2 (at least) or ...
nickolay's user avatar
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1 answer

Projection of a Polyhedron on xy Plane with CGAL

I am trying to project a Polyhedron on the xy plane with CGAL, which should result in a (2D) polygon. I wonder, if there is an elegant way to achieve it? Of course, I can iterate over all surfaces ...
Ctx's user avatar
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1 answer

Rounding a corner formed by Arc and Line

Given shapes like these, which contain just Arcs and lines, I want to round all its corners with certain radius. I know the vertices of the lines & arcs these shapes. I can round the corners of a ...
user3453636's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Vertices of a regular polygon given the incircle radius

How can I find the vertices of a polygon (specifically hexagon) given the radius of the incircle? I want to calculate the vertices of a polygon given the face-to-face distance (inscribed circle ...
user7413's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How can I check if a polygon can completely contain a circle of a certain radius?

How can I check if a polygon (can also be irregular) can completely contain a circle of a certain radius? I do not want to actually draw a circle inside the polygon but just a boolean outcome whether ...
user7413's user avatar
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6 votes
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List of triangles to minimum amount of convex polygons

I'm in search for an algorithm that takes the left side of the following graphic as an input and outputs a minimal amount of convex polygons as seen on the right side of the graphic. The input mesh ...
Timm's user avatar
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2 answers

An algorithm to find the area of intersection between a convex polygon and a 3D polyhedron?

Suppose I have a set of points in 3D which are all co-planar, and which describe the vertices of a convex polygon. I know the coordinates of all of these vertices, I know the unit normal to the plane ...
John Barber's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Find the longest straight line between two points on surface of polygon

My shape is a slightly concave polygon, and I'd like to know the maximal diameter. I imagine a straight line between two points on the surface of the polygon, such that the line does not pass outside ...
jiggunjer's user avatar
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