So I'm trying to render participating media like clouds/sky/fog (Sky is the first step) etc. I had already implemented a normal pathtracer and I was thinking of extending it. But I heard terms like Ray marching/Sphere tracing are used for rendering volumes.
A quick search brings up this question where the guy is trying to use Monte Carlo methods to render the Sky. This has me confused. Does this mean we can use Path tracing together with ray marching? Or do we have to choose 1 over the other? Or is it that both are actually solving different problems? I have read up on what ray marching actually means, I just want to get a clear understanding of the connection between raymarching - raytracing/pathtracing.
samples or steps along the ray to integrate over the space, right? We'd just probabilistically select a sample point along the ray and weigh the whole thing by the probability of selecting that point. $\endgroup$