I have a need to generate a series of GLB files. I have a base template for a GLTF file which I have to derive off of. The models thus generated will only have varying textures on them. The base mesh doesn't change at all.
What Im stuck with
Im able to generate the GLB, GLTF files from blender when exporting 3D models. After feeding these two files to: https://sbtron.github.io/makeglb/ Im able to create a GLB file which loads and works fine, with all the textures included.
However I am unable to generate the bin file programmatically. Ive tried searching google for generate bin file from images
, but the first few pages dont seem to have anything relating to this.
What Ive tried
Went through this question, but the selected answer there isnt dealing with images:
How to generate binary gltf array buffers?
How do I go about generating a BIN file from a series of images?