Most vendor-specific extensions (particularly those of more recent vintage) are based on the particular nature of that vendor's hardware. And even if some other vendor's hardware could do something similar, emulating that functionality without actually being part of the driver would be, if not impossible, then exceedingly inefficient.
There may be specific cases where you might be able to implement something reasonably with a wrapper atop OpenGL, but most vendor extensions are too reliant on the specific internals of their hardware to make this viable.
Consider NV_texture_barrier. It was technically an NVIDIA extension, but it was widely implemented by others before being standardized into ARB_texture_barrier. But the fact that it could be implemented by other vendors didn't mean that you, code outside of the driver, could implement it. The core aspect of the functionality requires direct access to the GPU. Calling glTextureBarrierNV
causes caches to be cleared and other synchronization operations that are specific to each piece of hardware.
That's not something you can do from outside of the driver.