Current state:
I believe the reconstructed positions are correct. However, I still have the same problem as all the time. When I rotate around my single pointlight appears to be moving around also.
I finally solved this! It was annoying, but I did learn a lot on the way.
The explanation
I am trying to recreate viewspace positions from only a stored depth value, and then calculate the light in viewspace.
In the first pass I store the Normals and the normalized depth in viewspace. In the second pass I try to build reconstruct the position in viewspace.
I believe something is going wrong in the reconstruction, but I can't see what, or if it something else. I did try to reconstruct the position in different ways, always with the same not good result.
The light initially looks fine, but when I start moving around the light seems to be moving around. When I go further away, things get less lit. When rotating the light also rotates. Note: When I render out the actual depth values, it looks fine, so think the depth is fine.
What could I be doing wrong?
Below is code for the fragment & vertex shader, first and second pass.
First pass:
#version 460
layout( location = 0 ) in vec3 VertexPosition;
layout( location = 1 ) in vec3 VertexNormal;
/* Uniforms */
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat3 NormalMatrix;
uniform float FarPlane;
uniform float NearPlane;
out vec3 vNormal;
out highp float vDepth;
void main() {
mat4 vMVP = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix;
gl_Position = vMVP * vec4( VertexPosition, 1.0 ); // Screenspace
vNormal = normalize(NormalMatrix * normalize(VertexNormal));
vec3 vPos = (ViewMatrix * vec4( VertexPosition, 1.0 )).xyz;
// Save normalized depth [0, 1]
vDepth = -(vPos.z - NearPlane) / ( FarPlane - NearPlane);
#version 460
in vec3 vNormal;
in highp float vDepth;
layout (location = 0) out highp vec4 NormalDepth;
void main() {
NormalDepth = vec4(normalize(vNormal), vDepth);
Second pass (off rendering to screen):
#version 460
layout( location = 0 ) in vec3 VertexPosition;
out vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec2 vDeviceCoords;
void main() {
vDeviceCoords = 2.0 * ( VertexPosition.xy - 0.5 );// [-1, 1]
vTexCoord = VertexPosition.xy;// [0, 1] // Just 2 triangles for the screen
gl_Position = vec4(vDeviceCoords, 1.0, 1.0 ); // [-1, 1]
#version 460
/* Uniforms */
uniform float NearPlane;
uniform float FarPlane;
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
in vec2 vDeviceCoords;
layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 FragColor;
layout( binding = 0 ) uniform highp sampler2D NormalDepthTex;
vec3 diffuseValue( vec3 normal, vec3 position)
// Light position. Here now for testing purposes
// Stationary point light, transformed to viewspace
vec3 vLightPos = (ViewMatrix * vec4( -10.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0 )).xyz;
normal = normalize(normal);
const vec3 lightDir = normalize(position - vLightPos);
const float diffuseCos = max( dot( normal, -lightDir ), 0.0 );
return vec3(diffuseCos);
void main() {
const vec4 normalDepth = texture2D( NormalDepthTex, vTexCoord );
// Normalize depth to [0, FarPlane]
const float depth = normalDepth.w * (FarPlane - NearPlane);
// Unproject
vec3 position;
position = vec3(vDeviceCoords.x, vDeviceCoords.y, NearPlane);
position.xy *= -depth / NearPlane;
position.z = depth;
// View space
vec3 diffuseValue = diffuseValue(, position);
FragColor = vec4( diffuseValue.x, diffuseValue.y, diffuseValue.z, 1.0 );
Edit 1
Adding screenshot.
For the normals, they looks correct, always pointing toward the camera. (Also I can add, if I do the light in the first pass (not reconstructed depth), then the light is 100% fine).
If we look at the light, initially it looks good. I positioned the light so It should shade as seen. But it changes and becomes wrong when I rote the camera. Also the intensity changes when I go further/closer with the camera.
If we slightly rotate left for example, then the light follows (I want it in position!):
The viewspace depth [0, 1]
I have now reconstructed the depth in three different ways, all with the same result. I am starting to think There is something else I am doing wrong? Do I calculate the light wrong or something?
The three ways I have rebuilt (or tried to) are:
Option 1:
depth = normalDepth.w; // Should be [0, 1]
// Create ray to FarPlane
// HalfVec is FarPlane * glm::tan( glm::radians( m_fov / 2.0f ) )
vec3 ray = vec3(vDeviceCoords * HalfVec, FarPlane);
// Unprojection
position.xy = ray.xy * -depth / NearPlane;
position.z = depth * FarPlane;
Option 2:
depth = normalDepth.w * FarPlane;
vec2 p = vDeviceCoords * NearPlane * tan(radians(Fov / 2.0));
vec2 p_ = (p / NearPlane) * -depth;
position = vec3(p_, depth);
Option 3:
depth = normalDepth.z;
mat4 inversePrjMat = inverse( ProjectionMatrix );
vec4 viewPosH = inversePrjMat * vec4( vDeviceCoords.x, vDeviceCoords.y, 1.0, 1.0 );
vec3 farPlaneRay = / viewPosH.w;
position = farPlaneRay;
position.xy *= -depth;
position.z = depth * FarPlane;
These options all end up the same. I have recalculated and gone through the math over and over again, there is something else I am missing is my feeling.
Edit 3
I was asked to upload image with the normals (R, G, B) when camera is a bit rotated.
Edit 4
Adding some GIF animations that shows what is going on with the light. As you can see, if I don't rotate at all, just move around, then the light is as it should.
Edit 5
I did the correction Nathan Reed pointed out. Still with no better result. This is what it looks like when I render out fract(position). The boxes I render have a size 5.0 * 5.0 * 5.0 (actually each box is made up of 5x5x5 smaller boxes)
and a bit more angled view at the boxes
Edit 6
This is frontview, rendering vec4( fract(position.x), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
This is with vec4( fract(position.y), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
This is what it looks like when i render vec4( VertexPosition, 1.0 ); (the 2 triangles making up the fullscreen in the second pass)
edit 7
This is what is looks like if i render the fract(vPos) from the first pass.
Here I render just vPos from the first pass
Edit 8
This is about how it should look like. This is when I do the light calculation directly in the first pass. It is stationary, and perfect, as it should be, in this case.
Edit 9
I just rendered the constructed positions, and noticed x,y-axes are flipped. I need to negate x,y when multiplying with depth, since depth is negative. Also we are saving the depth in viewspace, so use it straight for the z-component. That is correct, it can be noticed by the light not fading away when moving away further with the position.z set to depth. Also, we are multiplying xy with depth since triangle similarity. To be more precise we should divide that with the nearplane, I will do that, but I am using nearplane = 1, so won't be any practical difference right now anyways.
So I did this:
position = vec3(vDeviceCoords.x / ProjectionMatrix[0][0], vDeviceCoords.y / ProjectionMatrix[1][1], 1.0);
position.xy *= -depth / NearPlane;
position.z = depth;
Now the light calculated on the second pass looks very much correct, apart from rotating... The lights don't even fade when going further. As long as I don't rotate (!)
Is there something else obvious I am missing?
Light, when moved, but not rotated at all:
Reconstructed and Position looks the same when rendered. but when doing fract on the reconstructed position I still get this:
Edit 10
Still not giving up, learning a lot, but getting a bit crazy with this problem. So now when I look at the reconstructed using fract(position). This below is what I get (right side is the fract part, left side is just the scene with diffuse point light moving around wrongly).
The position seems to be correct now when I look at it, as each texture on left side is one unit. And that is matching the reconstructed position:
However, as Nathan pointed out. I can look at fract(vPos) in the fist pass, that is how the reconstructed position also should look.
And still, this is how it looks like, from the first pass:
That one makes less sense for me. Should I not be able to see the fractions in the same way there? For me the reconstructed one makes more sense.
Edit 11
New findings!
I did fract directly in the first pass, to see how it looks like. I did not think about the values getting changed when saved to texture, so I was not looking at what I though before.
Anyways, it looks exactly the same as the reconstructed values, see below!
So I believe now I have the right constructed depth. But however, still having the same issues as always, light seems to rotate around when I am moving.