I wished to understand which mip map in the chain of mips is selected upon sampling a texture.Which factors it depends on.I know that it depends on the area of the texture visible.
I tried a simple application recently to try out reserved resource textures but I am having trouble understanding one situation in it.
test application details:rendering a full screen quad on a window via dx12.The quad is textured by a texture(reserved resource).
test cases: 1. the texture used is large(5184X3456) and the mip auto selected is 2nd.
2. the texture used is small(256X256) and the mip auto selected is 0th.
both the textures contains full mip chain and nothing other than the size of texture is changing here so why is larger one using 2nd mip rather 0th like smaller tex(I am rendering both of them on a full screen quad).Is the size of texture also a factor in auto mip selection? Sampler used is same in both the cases:D3D12_FILTER_MIN_POINT_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT.