I am trying to do skeletal animation using Assimp and the inverse bind pose matrix just trips me up. I will give a little example to illustrate my point.
Bone A
Bone B
Bone C
Let's say we have a hierarchy like above. To get a vertex in root space into C space, I would have to do (CBA) * v. The inverse bind pose, which is supposed to get a vertex from bone space to root space, should be the inverse of this. Therefore, the way to calculate inverse bind matrix should be (CBA)^-1 or (A^-1)(B^-1)(C^-1). The formula then is (A^-1)(B^-1)(C^-1) * v, which makes sense. However, I am not able to reproduce the result of Assimp's mOffsetMatrix (inverse bind matrix caculated by Assimp) with (CBA)^-1. (ABC)^-1, however, surprisingly produces the correct result, albeit a little marginal error here and there which I attribute to floating point error.