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"Anchor" vehicle to 3D path with OpenGL / SDL

As a CG assignment with OpenGL and SDL, I want to create a clone of the videogame WipeOut instead of the classical car racing game. Examples of motion in 2D have been given and are rather simple to understand; the complexity in 3D is that the road is not planar - when the vehicle approaches a cliff or a vertical loop, it should be translated on the y-axis and rotated to be mantained parallel to the road. I have no idea on how to get and update such informations (translation and rotation for the road). I thought about creating a bezier curve with informations about its derivative (overlapping the road) and keeping track of the movements of the vehicle with respect to the curve, but I don't know if it's the right (simplest) way of doing this. By the way, being able to track the position of the vehicle relative to the curve would also solve some collision problems by limiting its distance.

Of course, this feature is not mandatory - I could just keep a planar road - but I'd like to understand how to do it. Suggestions?